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1. Updated Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) webpage with new text added
and/or revised
2. Updated Norman Greenbaum singing “Spirit in the Sky” song webpage
3. New Tanya Tucker singing “Delta Dawn” song webpage
4. Updated Abba singing “Abba Fever – Medley” song webpage
5. Updated Editor’s Comments Index
Added Tanya Tucker, Quick Editor’s Comments – Listing – 4-20-2022
6. Updated Blondie singing “Atomic” song’s webpage. Added Quick Editor’s Comments and new text to “Music to me is another treasure!” section – 5-18-2022
An improvement to this website, now is hosted on a VPS 4-CPU & 16GB ram hosting plan. Added another 8GB ram to the existing 8GB ram. (I will not reveal my hosting service that I use).
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Blondie singing “Atomic” song
Updated Blondie singing “Atomic” song’s webpage. Added Quick Editor’s Comments and new text to “Music to me is another treasure!” section
Tanya Tucker singing “Delta Dawn” song
This song’s lyrics warns of fake lures of “low degree” persons when in a long lasting relationship between a man and a women though this song’s relationship maybe OK?
Thanks, Tanya Tucker for thanking the Lord for this song.
Quick Editor’s Comments are added and completed into this webpage
Abba singing “Abba Fever – Medley” song
New Amazon Native Ads installed on this website replacing soon to be void older Ads.
Complete webpage updates added with the latest layouts and small changes to the transcribed song’s lyrics included.
Madonna singing “Into The Groove” song
New Amazon Native Ads installed on this website replacing soon to be void older Ads.
Complete webpage updates added with the latest layouts and large quantity changes to the transcribed song’s lyrics included.
Norman Greenbaum – Spirit In The Sky -1970
4-5-2022; was 2-6-2022
Another New clearer audio and video replacement music video has the new transcribed song’s lyrics
Mariah Carey – Christmas music videos
Mariah Carey singing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” song
Tina Turner music videos
Tina Turner singing “Simply The Best” song
Paul McCartney & Wings singing “Silly Love Songs” song
Replaced music video with new music video
New transcribed song’s lyrics accompany the new replacement music video
Carly Simon singing “I’ve Got To Have You” song
Europe “The Final Countdown”
Editor’s Comments – Europe “The Final Countdown”
Europe “The Final Countdown” song discussions
Roxette “The Look”
Editor’s Comments – Roxette “The Look”
Roxette “The Look” song discussions
Blondie music videos
Blondie singing “The Tide is High” song
5-22-2022 (Has the updated and revised Quick Editor’s Comments dated 5-22-2022)
Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
7-27-2022–Post is being reviewed
This updated “Editor’s Comments” originally published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 has the newly published text on: 5-22-2022 sections titled: the “Quick Editor’s Comments” and the “Transcribed song’s lyrics” matching the accompanying music video (audio only) version. However this document retains the extensive “Editor’s Comments” originally published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 with some areas improved and other areas completed.
Blondie “The Tide is High” song discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
Blondie “The Tide is High” Forum Discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
Mel & Kim Wilde “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
Brenda Lee “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”
Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys”
Editor’s Comments – Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys”
Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys” song discussions
Lian Ross singing “Say You’ll Never” song
Editor’s Comments – Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never”
Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Forum Discussions
Rick Astley “Together Forever”
Editor’s Comments – Rick Astley “Together Forever”
Rick Astley “Together Forever” Forum Discussions
Soraya Arnelas “Bolero”
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Home › Forums › Laura Branigan Videos Discussion Forum › Laura Branigan “The Lucky One” Forum Discussions › Laura Branigan “The Lucky One” Forum Discussions
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 9 months ago by
David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover & Webmaster Owner.
April 29, 2016 at 2:27 am #2359
Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song in the song’s music video discussions containing the Editor’s Comments, public discussions, reviews, etc., written by Editor David E. Ros. The topics include: the music video; the song’s lyrics; Laura Branigan’s presentation, Laura Branigan’s performance and the accompanying music, music score, music composition, etc.
“The Lucky One” song sung by Laura Branigan in the music video is obviously a pleasant surprise romance song.
Laura Branigan’s performance and appearance is marvelous, wonderful and she knows the Lord where she is today beyond her planet Earth days. I like the Lord supplied Laura Branigan’s wardrobe she wore in this music video. Laura Branigan appears wearing the Lord’s clothing of a futuristic distinct advance planet’s clothing design of a powder blue and black top with silver garnish vertical strips, a black mini shirt, black spandex pants and medium height high heel shoes. The Lord’s approved colors of powder blue, silver and black indicating this Laura Branigan performance and this musical video is a Lord approved performance.
In this “The Lucky One” song’s music video sung and performed by Laura Branigan she occasionally reveals her wonderful show person’s talents with lady style gestures and strong athletic moves at highlight lyrics and rhythms of the accompanying music.
The Lord carefully selects, contracts the singers, performers, dancers and their accompanying band’s members to market the Lord’s copyrighted music lyrics and the Lord’s copyrighted musical arrangements. The version that Laura Branigan sings is an improved version from previous versions of this song that the Lord has permitted to be sung and marketed in the past days, here on the planet Earth and elsewhere. So of course the Lord likes Laura Branigan. Laura Branigan has many fans on planet Earth including myself.
The accompanying band performs very professionally, entertaining while keeping pace with upbeat musical score. The band accompanying Laura Branigan is wearing the Lord’s supplied clothing with the Lord’s approved colors of white, red, blue and black clothing and the band’s instruments also are adorned with the Lord’s approved color of black indicating the accompanying band, band’s members and this musical video is a Lord approved performance.
The singer’s, performer’s, band member’s clothing is collected by the Lord to be in the Lord’s approved “Archives” of the this planet Earth’s history where everything that the Lord retains from this planet Earth is kept, maintained in secure, archive quality conditions for a very long time.
***** I rate Laura Branigan’s singing, performance, entertainment and the accompanying music, the music’s score, the music’s arrangement, etc., “excellent” in this music video with my “Five stars out of “5” possible stars” award. This music video of Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and with the band’s members are desirable listening and stimulating, enjoyable viewing.
Laura Branigan’s singing performance is a wonderful easy listening joyful voice with a feminine state of New York, USA style accent, clear lyrics pronunciations. I also enjoy listening to varying tone inflections and Laura Branigan’s professional singing voice satisfies my music listening needs.
I thank the Lord for his special creations of talent that the Lord values, loves like Laura Branigan. Laura Branigan is definitely is one of the Lord’s special creations.
The Lord’s likes beautiful, adorable, trustworthy, healthy, safe, happy, prosperous, etc., female companions whom can think a good many things too in the Lord’s personal life.
This music video is with Laura Branigan in her prime singing, performing planet Earth years from 1970’s through 2004, etc.
The Lord has authorized for the musician’s, etc., to claim the musician’s wrote the songs, etc. Usually the Lord witnesses the musicians writing out the song’s lyrics while viewing a Lord’s copyrighted printed song’s lyrics page.
***** I rate the accompanying band and the band’s member’s performance, entertainment and the accompanying music, the music’s score, the music’s arrangement, etc., “excellent” in this music video with my “Five stars out of “5” possible stars” award.
The Lord actually is the real producer of these music videos and is the only owner of professional video cameras that are used in movies, in TV shows, in the Lord’s music videos, etc., worldwide.
The Lord does not generally disclose that the Lord is the actual Producer, Director, Security, Script Writer, Music Composer, etc., of these music videos in convict sectors because sometimes the convicts inmates start to riot against the Lord’s business operations. The Lord operates in “Ghost Business Modes” the Lord’s business operations which are like a ghost writer or like a pen name.
The Lord is not required to reveal that the Lord is the ghost writer, ghost composer, ghost script writer, ghost producer, ghost performers, etc., of any of the Lord’s works on the prison planet Earth. The Lord can make full disclosures however full disclosures in convict sectors in places like the prison planet Earth could cause the dangers, problems could escalate unnecessarily.
A full disclosure of the Lord’s productions would require the music videos have ending credits listing the Lord’s works, etc., which the Lord does provide in legal sectors, etc.
I can see the Lord’s, a real living person’s message and have listed what I believe later in this written speech. The Lord is the only authorized source, developer, writer, composer of all advance technologies, literature, music and much more everywhere. The Lord is an eternal therefore has the most experience and the Lord is the only person that knows the specifications, designs of all creations, etc.
The Lord usually freely distributes music videos of the Lord’s music videos and then the Lord sells higher quality discs with the music, and/or the music videos, etc.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s lyrics in the music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s 1 Thessalonians 5, verses 5:1 and 5:2 and the U.S. Constitution expanded edition version 2 with Lord approved laws and Lord approved explanations
1 Thessalonians 5, verses 5:1 and 5:2
New American Standard Bible
The Day of the Lord “Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you.
2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night”.“The Lucky One” song sung by Laura Branigan has the lyric line “Like a wild bird of prey, like a thief in the night”. This mentioned topic lyric line that is similar to another text the well-known Christian faith’s New American Standard Bible’s 1 Thessalonians 5, verses 5:1 and 5:2.
The Lord is known as Lord Almighty performs legal executions most everywhere. Open court judicial punishment orders require the Lord’s open judicial court approvals to be valid everywhere. The Lord’s open judicial court is always open even when the Lord is sleeping, etc. The Lord’s open Judicial court describes the Lord’s authorized Judicial court that has original jurisdiction and authority to all cases, etc.
Many seeking death sign a contract with the Lord for their time of death and the causes of their death which is permitted by Universe’s residents and the Lord on this planet Earth.
On this planet Earth it is permitted for persons to sign contracts with the Lord for illnesses even for their death and is very popular. The Lord permits those activities in this time because one of the Lord’s approved laws permits a person to control their own lives when the person is in legal status and the person is obeying the Lord’s approved laws. Another one of the Lord’s approved laws permits a person to legally seek death of themselves instead of doing crimes to die. The Lord does not give permissions to persons to commit crimes to be incarcerated, punished and even to be killed in an execution approved by the Lord’s punishment orders. However persons can slightly annoy the Lord to catch the Lord’s attention indicating that the person is legally seeking death, etc.
In the some present times, and in the future time periods where the most senior Lord to have visited the prison planet Earth resides, the Lord does not permit legal persons to sign contracts to have illnesses so very few serious illnesses exist.
The most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth left in 1970 and returned in 1970 after being away for eternities. The Lord also received a forwarded message to himself, a request from the United States of America to return. The Lord had millions of projects to complete to fight rebellions first prior to returning to fight the crimes on the prison planet Earth. When the Lord returned in 1970 he had contracted duties everywhere to complete and was also expected to arrive at many points in time, in the past, present and future to assist the Lord’s staff in battles, etc.
The planet Earth, the Universe and the Lord have approved that a person annoying the Lord is signaling to the Lord their legal intention to seek death of themselves only at the options of the Lord to execute his duties, etc. The Lord’s duties cannot be stopped from completions and the Lord is the only approved Commander in Chief.
The Lord never punishes his wives if they annoy him, the Lord’s wives have special permissions which include the Lord has the right to ask his wives to stop an annoyance, etc. If a next step is required then the Lord would have to submit a written issue to the Lord’s wives committee to solve the disagreements however the Lord rarely has complaints about the Lord’s wives. The Lord’s wives committees have always resolved such small issues to the Lord’s happiness.
The title Commander-in-Chief describes the Lord is simultaneously Commander and also the Lord is the Chief. The Lord is Commander of himself and chooses, calls himself to duties, tasks, projects, etc. The United States of America, the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. territories, etc., have approved the Lord is Commander in Chief.
The Lord notes that all the voted, supposedly passed laws everywhere require the Lord, Commander In Chief signed approvals to be valid laws. The claims that the U.S. Congress votes, passes laws are false, and are actually rebellions seen in public view. The planet Earth is the Lord’s properties and thus the Earth laws require the Lord, Commander in Chief’s approvals to be valid, approved laws is also a Universe-wide approved Lord’s law. Prior to this planet Earth’s Republic establishments, the Republic’s must sign oath statements that they are aware and will obey the Lord’s approved laws including the Lord’s approved laws requiring that all valid laws have the Lord’s signed approvals. The Lord can also revise Lord approved laws, retract Lord approved laws and retract not Lord approved laws, etc.
The U.S. Federal governments, the U.S. Congress, U.S. legislative bodies who are actually illegally assembled claim power to vote, pass laws are convicted outlaws and are an act of piracy on the Lord’s properties. The “truth” is in public hands as most state capitals, major cities and in major libraries including university libraries have copies of all the Lord approved laws which name the Lord’s titles in his various duties including the law that “The Lord has all Powers”.
It is important to note that during the second honorary George Washington era U.S. Federal governments headed by the Lord, a law was voted passed and approved by the Lord, Commander in Chief to abolish the assemblies of the U.S. Congress, abolishes the U.S. Federal governments, etc., after the end of the second George Washington administration era U.S. Federal governments headed by the Lord. The lack of innocent, Lord approved laws obeying persons on this prison planet Earth made the decision easier to approve. Look for the full volume version “2” expanded edition of the U.S. Constitution with Lord approved explanations.
Prior to the abolishing of the U.S. Federal government after the second honorary George Washington era U.S. Federal governments headed by the Lord, the Lord carefully handpicked members of the U.S. Federal governments whom were mostly accepted in the Lord’s guaranteed Republican Form of government. Those accepted in the Lord’s guaranteed Republican Form of government had to be innocent, had to be Lord’s approved laws obeying persons and could not participate in crimes, offenses, etc. Presently there is a shortage of such qualified persons on the prison planet Earth. Convicted convict’s look-alike prison gangs are not permitted in the Lord’s guaranteed Republican Form of government.
The United States of America, the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. territories, etc., and the Lord, Commander in Chief have approved additional laws reinforcing the abolishing of the U.S. Congress, the abolishing the U.S. Federal governments, etc. Amendment 1 prohibits the U.S. Congress from all law passages, etc. The U.S. Federal governments is abolished, the U.S. Congress is abolished because the Lord, Commander in Chief of the Lord’s guaranteed “Republican Form of government” in the United States of America and the Lord does not hire convicts from the prison planet Earth’s populace.
The Lord, Commander in Chief has had to appear as U.S. Presidents to give speeches, because public safety requires it and etc. Also note that it is a Lord’s approved laws that the Lord is the only authorized source of advance technologies, literature, music and much more. So the Lord writes those famed speeches of not authorized U.S. presidents, etc. The Lord’s approvals with the Lord’s signed oath signature must be in the Lord’s name to be valid documents, etc., and not in the not authorized U.S. president’s name even if the Lord is appearing as a U.S. president.
The Lord is the President listed in condensed version 1 of the U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 2 that states “The President shall be Commander in Chief …” The Lord, Commander in Chief is permanently established and the Lord never received a purchase payment for all of the U.S.A.’s weapons, etc., not even in George Washington’s time. However the Lord has no intentions of selling weapons on the prison planet Earth. It is known the Lord, Commander in Chief owns the U.S. defense weapons, military weapons, etc., including all the planet Earth’s Republic’s weapons, etc. The Lord, Commander in Chief commands, orders, directs the U.S. military in all U.S. wars including all sides in the U.S. Civil war. The Lord, Commander in Chief commands, orders, directs the entire planet Earth’s Republic’s military in all planet Earth wars including in civil wars. The Lord is mentioned in condensed version 1 of the U.S. Constitution and the Lord’s duties, powers, etc., are described in the full volume version “2” expanded edition of the U.S. Constitution with Lord approved explanations, et.
All of the U.S.A.’s military weapons were never paid for by the U.S. Federal governments whom have falsely claimed ownership. The Lord designed, constructed all U.S.A.’s weapons, ships, planes, tanks, etc., the Lord retains ownership and has moved most of those military weapons off the planet Earth.
Similarly all of this planet Earth’s military weapons were never paid for by the planet Earth’s Republics and the Lord retains ownership and has moved most of those military weapons off the planet Earth.The United States of America, the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. territories, etc., and the Lord, Commander in Chief have approved the full volume version “2” expanded edition of the U.S. Constitution with Lord approved explanations. The condensed version 1 of the U.S. Constitution booklet has partial law clauses.
“The Lucky One” song sung by Laura Branigan has the lyric line is similar to another text the well-known Christian faith’s New American Standard Bible’s 1 Thessalonians 5, verses 5:1 and 5:2 warning “the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night”.
1 “Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you.
2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night”.The mentioned topics of the Lord’s battles in the United States of America with convicted organized crime governments, the battles with convicted organized crime corporations, businesses, etc., has come to conclusions.
There is also an approved reference book with approved definitions of the approved U.S. Constitution that is a Lord approved attachments to the Lord approved full volume version “2” expanded edition of the U.S. Constitution with Lord approved explanations. The expanded edition volume version “2” of the U.S. Constitution also abolishes the position of the U.S. President except if the Lord approves of such a position.
In order to be available to use condensed U.S. Constitution booklet format you must have read or have available for verifying the Lord’s approved full volume version “2” expanded edition of the U.S. Constitution with Lord approved explanations and with Lord approved complete law clauses, etc.
The convicted populace of the United States of America apparently is delusional and thinks they can pass laws while in the Lord’s prison planet Earth as convicts. Only the Lord, Commander in Chief, the owner can approve of laws, taxes, punishments orders, fines, etc., and is the usual legal “due process of laws” procedures accepted everywhere.
If and when the convicted, abolished, surrendered U.S. Federal governments and the convicted, abolished, surrendered U.S. Congress and/or additional not authorized U.S. legislative bodies vote, claim law passages, the laws are not valid, are void without the Lord, Commander in Chief signed oath written signature. The convicted, abolished U.S. Congress and/or additional not authorized U.S. legislative bodies members are detained, imprisoned and/or executed to death until dead per the authority of the Lord, Satan and the laws enforcing the authorized punishments for rebelling, invading, war crimes, rebelling against the Lord approved laws, etc. The Lord, Satan and the laws differs from an outlaw Satan, the convicts.
The Lord is often called Satan because the Lord performs most execution everywhere. So the Lord accepts his romantic title from the Lord’s many faith books and the Lord’s literature, etc. The Lord likes his transformation into Lord, Satan and laws as the image represents the side of the Lord’s approved laws fighting outlaws, convicted convicts, etc.
Prior to 2008, the U.S. Federal governments after many convictions of the U.S. Federal governments with the approvals of the Lord, the U.S. Federal governments surrendered to the Lord.
The U.S. Federal governments are to be completely shut down by 2016 or earlier.Since 2008, there have been over 10-convictions of the United States of America by the planet Earth’s governments which are ordering the closure of the U.S. Federal governments that have the approvals of the Lord.
The U.S. Federal governments also agreed to the live acting reenactment that Washington D.C. is the “Great harlot that sits by the Sea” which is destroyed and mentioned in the Christian faith’s New American Standard Bible’s Revelation 17:1.
The Lord has reenacted the Christian faith’s New American Standard Bible’s Revelation 17:1 with live acting many times over many years often at the volunteering of the effected residents, etc. See:
The Lord owns everywhere and you must abide to the Lord’s approved laws or the Lord will oust you to a prison cell for prison detainment and/or to prison incarcerations for annoying the Lord, etc.
The Lord has approved Universe-wide laws that state: Overruling and overruling attempts of the Lord’s decisions, authority, orders, judgements, etc., are unlawful rebellions.
So convicts should fear the Lord.
Some funeral eulogies include “The Lord took his life.”To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s lyrics meanings, etc., in the music video
I will discuss “The Lucky One” song sung by Laura Branigan lyric line “Like a wild bird of prey, like a thief in the night” again.
The Lord’s life is completely legal thus completely moral is seen like a “wild” life by mortals mostly because the Lord’s thirst for a happy life is assisted because the Lord is an immortal, the Lord is an eternal, and the Lord is a time Lord on his properties and much more.
A “wild bird of prey” is an innocent animal that kills for self-defenses of itself, for their protections of their broods, for food reasons and possibly additional reasons. The Lord, the owner is similar to his innocent animals, the Lord is authorized to kill for self-defenses of himself, for law and Justice, for protections of his female companions their/his children, his properties, etc., and for food reasons, etc., all of which are legal. However persons, thinking beings, not thinking beings, wild animals and domesticated animals can be ordered punished by the Lord’s open Judicial court powers for offenses, etc.
Lord’s Law states: “Self-defenses of oneself is permitted, self-defenses of oneself and for protections of one’s properties for law and Justice reasons permits killing the violators of the Lord’s approved laws”. And another way to explain your self-defense options when a rebel, a rebel against the Lord’s approved laws, an invader, and the public safety may require it requires the automatic suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, etc., is authorized. A convicted convict of serious offenses does not have self-defense rights, privileges, etc.
The Lord also states: It is best to let the Lord gather the Lord’s approved authorized permissions for punishments and for many additional legal reasons therefore let the Lord assign himself to the executioner duties of those convicted to die and when the circumstances permit those deaths, punishments, incarcerations, etc.
Instead of exposing yourself to possible punishments for law violations, also to prevent yourselves from acquiring of injuries, illnesses from performing executions, etc., it is best the Lord complete the Lord approved punishment orders.
The planet Earth, the Universe, the Lord have approved executions to death until dead for those ordered to die by the Lord’s authorized legal procedures, by the Lord’s approved punishments orders, etc.
The Lord has written all faith books that exist like the Christian faith book called the Bible. The Lord describes the Bible and additional faith books that they are literature and those are the Lord’s stories. Sometimes the Lord has approved for public releases with signed contracts to host live acting reenactments of the Lord’s stories. The planet Earth has hosted many entertaining live acting reenactments of the Lord’s stories. People have told the Lord on the planet Earth that they cannot afford such acting sets like the Egyptian Temples, Pyramids that the Lord has built for the Lord’s live acting reenactments and for the actual occupations of residents, etc., in those areas.
It is very important to the Lord’s wives and the Lord’s customers to maintain their innocence to maintain having all their legal privileges intact and to have the enhancing very much desired spirit the Lord developed called the “Lord Jesus” spirit. The Lord Jesus spirit is mentioned in the Christian faith New American Standard Bible’s Revelation 22:21 which states “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen”.
The Lord often has to act, play the role of the real Jesus Christ in his live acting New testament reenactments since not many of the available actors are interested in the life-long role. However the Lord uses convicted convicts on death row when there is a crucifixion scene of convicted Jesus Christ role’s scenes.
See text sections of these discussions further on in this document on the topics of the Lord’s enhanced “Lord Jesus” spirit.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – More discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s lyrics meanings, etc., in the music video
Here’s another lyric line from “The Lucky One” song sung by Laura Branigan which is “Cause the world’s in your hands and you’ve got all you want”.
The Lord owns all that exists; present, future and past and he will not change his sole proprietorship ownership status. Yes, I’m a believer the Lord often gives his messages in fun entertaining ways.
I’m talking about the real owner of the planet Earth whom most have met and the Lord’s titles are: the Lord, the owner which is acknowledged everywhere.
Some of the Lord’s additional titles are: the Lord, the owner; Lord Commander in Chief; Lord Almighty; and Lord God Almighty when the Lord is with his Goddess wives elsewhere. The Lord has an identification serial number which is “1” as he is the 1st to exist and the only eternal that has no beginning, always exists. The Lord approved Universe laws states the Lord also has the legal titles of “Lord of Lords, King of Kings”, the Owner.
All of the Lord’s wives are Goddesses of beauty or become Goddesses of beauty have special God powers that Lord has given to them yet they respect the Lord and request the Lord’s presence with each one of themselves every day and night. The Lord’s wives of the most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth have many capabilities, achievements like all eventually graduate from the Lord’s accredited Universities, complete many training courses, have Martial Arts black belts, are authorized or eventually are authorized by the Lord to have the Dragon ladies titles and the Lord’s Queens titles, etc. The Lord loves all his wives, his children at home and the Lord’s thinking robot people defense staffs and the rest of the Lord’s thinking robot people’s staffs. The Lord loves the Lord’s loyal legal status paying customers and respects them, honors them with top quality products, services, warranties, etc.
The Lord’s main home of the most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth that the Lord has established is way into the future with the Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companions. There the Lord’s customers, the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions and the Lord like many things the Lord has developed and one of them are affordable housekeeping robots that clean the resident’s rooms, bathrooms every day plus make the bed, dust and then go to the housekeeping robot’s charging, maintenance, etc., area. The housekeeping robots also periodically go to the robot’s self-cleaning area to be cleaned then return to their duties, etc. This cleaning feature is very important to prevent the spread of possibly dangerous dirty areas to additional areas while cleaning. The housekeeping robots are among many future comforts the Lord has made available in future times which are very much liked by the Lord’s customers. The housekeeping robots are not available to convicts.
The Lord also uses the Lord developed housecleaning robots in the Lord’s entire homes, on the Lord’s spaceships, and on the Lord’s additional properties however not much in museums with delicate objects.
Note: The Lord’s housecleaning robots have to be custom programmed to service each different area, etc., effectively by the Lord.
The most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth is proud that he has reduced the percentage of the populace whom are convicts in future times and his customers respect, have rewarded him with 100% of his invoices paid to him. Does the Lord need money? Well he has established large expansive facilities for his customers to live in comforts with more leisure time. The Lord’s customers in the future will only work around 10 hours a week. So the Lord needs the money to barter with the Lord’s customers within his facilities; to pay his wives their allowances and to pay the hired thinking robot people’s wages. If and when the Lord is without customers, the Lord has obtained approvals from the Lord’s wives to restructure the wives allowances contracts incase all his customers decided to leave life reducing the Lord’s cash flows, etc..
The Lord lives forever and his wives, customers have made known their intentions of wanting to live with him, the Lord for forever. The Lord says alright however they must stay in legal status with the privileges of living.
The Lord has a very expansive home where the Lord’s wives can go shopping, millions of pools, Jacuzzi’s, private dancing clubs, theaters, even many casino’s and much more that the Lord and his wives enjoy and have little dangers of law violations. No visitors are accepted at the Lord’s home; however some of his children whom left home claim the Lord’s home is the “most peaceful place” they have ever stayed at.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Laura Branigan singing “The Lucky One” song’s lyricsArtist: Laura Branigan
Album: Miscellaneous
Genre: Rock
Read more at: Branigan – The Lucky One song’s lyrics
“You can break away or you can stay
You choose your life, you’re free to fly
Go on and fly
Go on and flyShe had it in her all the time
To get away and try to find
Somewhere to go, to runShe saw the world through open eyes
And never let a soul inside
Don’t come too close, so closeBaby thinks she’s smart, but what about her heart?
Like a wild bird of prey, like a thief in the night
You can take what you want and you don’t think twice
‘Cause the world’s in your hands, you got all you want
And you won’t change a thing, you’re the lucky one
Oh, the lucky one
Oh, the lucky oneHer soul was strong, her heart was tough
And when she felt she had enough
She tore herself awayLove in the dark is all you see
Get what you want, not what you need
You look the other, the wayNever letting on what it’s all become
Like a wild bird of prey, like a thief in the night
You can take what you want and you don’t think twice
‘Cause the world’s in your hands and you’ve got all you want
And you won’t change a thing, you’re the lucky one
Oh, the lucky one
Oh, the lucky oneLife is a dream, the lucky one
(The lucky one)
(The lucky one)
Oh, life is a dream, the lucky one
Life is a dream, the lucky one
(The lucky one)Baby thinks she’s smart, but what about her heart?
Like a wild bird of prey, like a thief in the night
You can take what you want and you don’t think twice
‘Cos the world’s in your hands and you’ve got all you want
And you won’t change a thing, you’re the lucky one
Oh, the lucky one
Oh, the lucky one
Oh, the lucky one
Oh, the lucky one”To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Continuing discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing ”The Lucky One” song’s music video on the topics of romance on this lawless world?
A romance song in this sometimes “lawless” world?
Well romance and love songs are popular almost everywhere.According to the Lord, romancing between a male and a female with proper consent is an essential part of his faith books with “law and justice” themes which are called “righteousness” and is for the “general welfare”. To obey the Lord’s approved laws is called “righteousness” and is innocent, Lord’s approved laws abiding, clean moral, pure behaviors, etc. The Lord and the Lord’s Universes have approved these mentioned laws, etc. Remember the Lord’s approved laws are authorized to be enforced in natural and with additional reinforcing efforts, etc.
The Lord created two genders to be friends, mates, etc. The male and female gender friendships, mating are the preferred orientations by the planet Earth’s laws, the Universe laws, the Lord’s approved laws, etc.
The Lord writes, arranges Romance, Love songs to counter the persons in these time periods that favor spreading “hate” “disruptions”. Therefore the Lord writes, arranges Romance, Love songs to preserve a livable climate after attacks, disruptions, rebellions, invasions, etc., and are contributions from the Lord.
The most senior Lord on the planet Earth is not romancing the “con,” “convicted convict females since the year 1998 and did not do much romancing before 1998. This romancing was required and the Lord’s wives reluctantly gave permissions to the Lord. Before 1970, the most senior Lord on the planet Earth was mostly single and was looking to make relationships with females, etc.
Male and female genders behave better towards each other in the Lord’s future times, so the Lord does not romance legal sector female’s either. However after his wives approved a program called “Companionship with the Lord for eligible Females” because of the public female’s requests, the Lord still meets a few legal sector females if the Lord’s wives approve the female applicant’s request prior to the Lord’s reviews and decisions.
However the Lord’s wives do approve of the Lord’s special creation females becoming the Lord’s female companions and the Lord honors the Lord’s companionship contracts, etc., with the special creation females.
The Lord and his wives agreed the Lord’s personal life is full and the Lord’s wives do not want to share the Lord with additional females beyond what I have written and stated.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – The Lord’s favorite genre of music are:
“Rock and Roll songs;”
“Popular songs including Ballads, Country, Western music, etc., songs;”
“Romance songs and Love songs;”
“Holiday songs and Festival songs;”
“Classical music songs;”
“Orchestra” accompanying music songs;
“Big Band” musical arrangements, productions, songs, etc.,
And most additional genre of music, etc.
You may have heard some of the Lord’s songs claiming to like rock and roll music.– – – – – The Lord’s contracts with his chosen “Special Creation” performers varies yet the following are some of the possible provisions
The Lord carefully selects, contracts with innocent, legal performers, band’s performing members whom are usually the Lord’s “special creations” thus more talented, etc. The performers, band’s performing members agreed to produce, to market the Lord’s copyrighted music, the highest level of copyrights and legal proof of the Lord’s ownerships.
Be advised by U.S.A. laws, Earth laws and Universe laws, etc., the Lord is the only authorized source of advance technologies, literature, music, etc., and those designs, literatures, music arrangements, music compositions remain the Lord’s properties. The Lord who is an eternal usually writes a new music composition of the Lord’s music for different culture’s sales thus his music is not always the same versions.
The Lord’s new music composition of his music can be improved versions, customized versions to a projected sales area’s languages, faiths, cultural events, ongoing activities and/or events, popular likes of the public, etc.
Many limited life span mortals have attempted thefts of the Lord’s authorized source of technologies, literature, music, etc., and have failed as the Lord has many safeguards to his products. See the “Welcome World-Wide Music Listeners and Lovers!” home post webpage for more information concerning the Lord’s copyright ownerships of the Lord’s products at:
After the Lord has carefully selected, contracted with innocent, legal performers, bands, band’s members to market, to produce his Lord’s copyrighted music they are ready to practice, record the Lord’s written, the Lord composed music, etc.
However “special creation” female entertainers have some additional provisions in their contracts like their companionship with Lord including the living arrangements with the Lord. The Lord’s wives and the Lord’s female companion’ s support provided by the Lord, etc., are also have written, signed contracts after agreements are reached. The Lord special creation females have special love bonds with the Lord and are agreeable, pleased with the contracted arrangements with the Lord and of their companionship with the Lord.
The “special creation” male performers have different style of contracts with the Lord which varies according to their planned participations, length of time of performances, etc.
The Lord is not confused with the not law abiding look-alike convicts claiming to be the Lord’s wives and is not confused with the look-alikes that are claiming to be the Lord’s contracted singers, performers, etc., as everybody has a Lord issued serial number which is required for establishing laws, justice in the Universe, etc.
However the Lord sometimes contracts with fan look-alikes of Lord’s special creation singers, performers to act like the similar looking singer, performer, provide support in public relations, etc. Sometimes the Lord provides a residence for the fan look-alikes to reside while promoting the Lord’s special creation performances if a signed contract to such effects is approved by the Lord. Therefore the permitted fan look-alikes maybe with a contract with the Lord fans are helping the special creation singer, performer who leaves the prison planet Earth to a safer place, etc.
There are also fan look-alikes of the Lord’s special creation singers, performers that have permissions from the Lord. Those fan look-alikes asked the Lord for an advance schedule of their favorite singers, performers on the various planets, etc., and asked permissions to be there on those planets, etc. , looking similar to as the fan’s favorite singer, performers, etc.
Laura Branigan being a Lord’s special creation is now kept in her prime years perpetually after leaving the planet Earth and is living happy with the Lord. The Lord’s special creation the Lord’s female companions can view the Lord’s beauty shops to request selections to naturally improve their appearances, strengths, and to restore their youthfulness, etc.
The Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions do not have to work forever as the Lord’s gives them each an allowance. However the Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions assist the Lord in many ways.
Eventually the Lord establishes, manages with each wife’s written consent new businesses and products promoting his wife’s images, businesses that market, sell the Lord’s wives merchandise and promoting the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companion’s images to their fans. The Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions are very much liked by fans, etc. The fans are thrilled to view new performances by the Lord’s unparalleled beautiful, graceful Goddess wives and the Lord’s the Lord’s female companions, etc. Such beauty, grace, etc., is seldom seen in the general public. One fan commented to the Lord, “The Goddesses are real Gods so I have to watch their shows”.
The Lord’s special creation performers are sometimes annoyed by not law abiding look-alikes of their appearances. However do not be fooled by look-alikes whom are usually convicts on death row at large that cause commotions, crimes that the convicted news media’s claim is the real entertainer’s activities. One of the Lord’s approved laws is the convict closed courts cannot convict the Lord permitted innocent, legal visitors, friends, companions. The convict populace cannot convict the Lord who is the prison planet Earth’s owner obviously.
The Lord has many wives so the Lord and each of the Lord’s wives started their companionships with individual contracts between them. In those companionship contracts and the later marriage contracts with their individual benefits, property rights decided, elaborated in writing. Each wife thus is binding their husband the Lord to be with each of them, each wife individually each day and night of the each wife’s life to the pleasure of the Lord and the Lord’s wives. Each wife requires the Lord’s full, complete attentions when the Lord is with each wife individually. Only an immortal, an eternal, a “Time Lord” can live so long and be everywhere he desires to be on his properties simultaneously and who can complete the mentioned contract obligations. The Lord special creation females have special love bonds with the Lord and are agreeable, pleased with the contracted arrangements with the Lord and of their companionship with the Lord.
The Lord’s wives have agreed that the Lord on his own extra time when the Lord’s businesses requires the presence of the Lord to travel to the dangerous places like the convicted prison planet Earth that the Lord travel alone and probably with the Lord’s support staffs too. The Lord’s treasured wives are kept safe with the Lord never leaving their side because the Lord is a time Lord who can be in many places at same time on his properties. The Lord and the Lord’s Goddess wives do not trust convicts neither does the legal Universe who has convicted, banned the convicts to prisons, prison planets owned, managed by the Lord.
The Lord’s wives and the Lord vote for a numerical ranking of all the wives therefore naming an overall “number one” wife of responsibilities, authorities, etc.
The Lord obtains special permissions and contracts from his special creation the Lord’s female companions from years past and so on into future times. The Lord eventually marries all the over 100-Laura Branigan special creation singers, performers from most of their professional, personal lives within realistic methods after they have left the planet Earth even if the special creation females have not yet sung a song, performed, etc. The Lord’s special creations are loved, much desired by the Lord. The Lord’s wives are not look-alike gang members but instead each wife lives individually their own complete life all 24-hours of each day.
The reason the Lord has contracted with many the Lord’s female companionships of a particular style of appearance is the Lord’s special creation female performers whether they perform or not are “special creations” of the Lord with special bonds of love to the Lord. The Lord valuables, loves very much the Lord’s special creation females who are created as adults thus are spending their whole lives with their trusted husband, the Lord. The Lord does not let the Lord’s special creation female stray into the potentially dangerous worlds alone instead they stay protected, happy and cared for with the Lord’s presence simultaneously while the Lord is also present elsewhere. Actually it is usually very dangerous everywhere for beautiful, talented persons to travel within the public’s view even the Lord has to be careful in the Lord’s travels, etc.
Special creations male or female singers, performers usually only appear once on the prison planet Earth for a brief time. At the special creation performer’s next entertainment engagement a new Lord’s special creation male or female singer, performer may appear.
The Lord on a recent visit to the planet Earth stated most of the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions no longer perform too much as the practice and performance schedules for professional performances are too intense and can be time consuming. However the Lord with his wives’ permissions still releases new music videos productions of Laura Branigan’s professional images and of the Lord’s additional wives, of the Lord’s the Lord’s female companions, of the Lord’s special creation singers, performers, etc. The Lord can change his shape, appearance to look, sing, perform like Laura Branigan’s image in new music video releases. The Lord can also change his shape, appearance to appear looking, performing like the additional cast, band members, etc.
If it is deemed too dangerous and/or the “special creation” female or male singers, performers are not available to entertain, appear at an engagement, the Lord has often appeared looking, speaking, singing, performing like his special creation male or female performers permitted by the planet Earth laws, the Universe laws and approved by the Lord’s approved laws.
Sometimes the Lord’s special creation make some cameo appearances plus the Lord’s special creations male or female may also appeared in different of the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, etc. This way both the Lord, the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s the Lord’s female companions, the Lord’s special creations, etc., can continue to reap financial and musical enjoyments. Laura Branigan fans do not mind and in fact Laura Branigan’s fans want more music videos of their favorite performers, etc., particularly in their prime years of appearances.
The Lord can change his appearance, shape however the Lord presently prefers the human body shape for himself as the Lord’s human body design, shape is a very advance design that the Lord continues to improve.
The mentioned Lord’s performance procedures are approved laws everywhere for the Lord to conduct his businesses. The Lord’s customers want the entertainment products produced and distributed so are agreeable to the Lord’s ways to permit those goals.
The Lord being so powerful with many unique powers, capabilities is sometimes called Satan. Satan is described in the Lord’s authored literature like the Lord authored Christian faith Bible and in additional of the Lord’s authored faith books as romantic and the most beautiful creation. The Lord’s Goddess wives love their husband and like calling the Lord, Satan. The Lord states he can occasional be called the Lord, Satan and the laws. The Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions want to be the Lord’s most beautiful creations.
According to the popular Lord authored Christian faith Bible, God loves Satan thus Satan is with God and is Satan obeying the Lord’s laws. However God has disagreement with Satan thus Satan leaves God so Satan now is an outlaw Satan, Demon or even a convict.
The Lord loves his most beautiful Goddess wives presences at home with the Lord’s protections, etc. The Lord’s works include the Lord’s most beautiful Goddess creations, etc. The Lord wives want to be most beautiful and actually love the Lord, Satan and the laws who respects, cares, loves, protects, etc., the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions. So the Lord is with Gods and the Lord is obeying Lord’s approved laws, etc. Note the Lord with all powers also is a God.
The Lord’s properties are all that exist, prior to the Lord’s creations of all that exist, there was not much existing besides the Lord. So the Lord’s properties are vast and each wife agrees to have her products marketed in regions separate from the additional Lord’s wives of similar looking appearances to their delights.
Incidentally when the Lord appears as one his wives in a movie, television shows, videos, each wife is fascinated at her performance and sits close to the screen to watch her every move in her performances in the Lord’s productions for she’s given the authority to request changes to her image’s performance in the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, etc., and to approve the production for sales. The Lord is fascinated and adores, loves his wives and their innocent, professional, pure ways and respects each wife.
The Lord defines “purity” of a person’s life, morals per the person’s innocent status. And by their observations, support of the Lord’s approved laws.
The Lord’s main business are the Lord’s ownership’s leasing of the Lord’s created, developed planets for residences and additional of the Lord’s areas for residences, tourist venues, etc., with complete infrastructures, entertainment, energy supplies, etc., that the Lord has contracted with his paying customers.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – More discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s Revelation 22, verse 22:21
Revelation 22, verse 22:21
New American Standard Bible
The Final Message
21 ” The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen”.
When “Lord Jesus” is mentioned it is describing a special spirit the Lord developed called the enhanced “Lord Jesus” spirit that has the “Christ” name deleted at end because the name “Christ” is meant to mean “crisis”. The Lord Jesus spirits are for people in legal status to have assistance in their lives and are very well liked by the subscribing permitted customers of the Lord’s Lord Jesus spirit. The “Lord Jesus” spirit is created by the Lord contains the Lord’s designs, some of the Lord’s own spirits, many technological capabilities to perform tasks, etc., possibly some of the Lord’s spirits of nature which are combined with some of the Lord’s enhancements of the previously developed Lord Jesus spirit versions.
However the Lord Jesus has no (none) connections to the executed imposter convicted murderer called the convict imposter Jesus Christ, a convicted prison gang look-alike member that the corrupt people on Earth appear to worship. The absence of the “Christ” name in the Lord Jesus spirit is to help exclude crisis to those subscribing to the Lord’s Lord Jesus spirit and to those permitted to use the Lord Jesus spirit in their lives.
It is very important to the Lord’s wives and the Lord’s customers to maintain their innocence to maintain having all their legal privileges intact and to have the enhancing very much desired spirit the Lord developed called the “Lord Jesus” spirit.
The Lord often has to play the role of the real Jesus Christ in his live acting New Testament reenactments since not many of the available actors are interested in the life-long role. However the Lord uses convicted convicts on death row when there is a crucifixion scenes of convicted Jesus Christ role to live acted.
In the New American Standard Bible “1 Thessalonians 5” “The Day of the Lord” verses 9 and 10 states “our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us” is mostly describing that the crime waves, the crisis that are occurring has stopped in this live acting reenactment. Those types of crime waves and crisis have cause the legal people to leave, hide, secure themselves and are possibly with the Lord elsewhere, etc., during the crisis until it has been repelled, suppressed, stopped, etc. Yet this literature is wishful thinking as crime waves, crisis often take a lot of efforts and time for the Lord to stop.
So the traditional and observed practice is a “crisis” dies for the legal people so the legal people can continue to live in domestic tranquility, etc. Typically an area that is invaded with convicts should not give life necessities to the invasions of convicts. So without food, water, shelter, clothing, etc., the invasions of convicts dies off with the assistance of enforcement of the Lord’s approved laws. The typical causes of a crisis are outlaw behaviors, outlaw intentions, personal intentions to be in a crisis, etc.
Many times through history the Lord has conveyed the message that the name “Jesus” is meant to describe by the Lord, the Christian faith Bible’s author: “Hook” “E” “S” “US” i.e., “Hook Excellent Spirits Ultimate Success” in the Lord’s inventions, creations, laws, procedures, life, etc. The first letters of the Lord’s mentioned phrase is from the name “Jesus” with the letter “J” being used to describe the word “Hook”. The excellent spirits are Lord approved and Lord issued powers. The Lord’s eternities of information, resources are the ultimate success some of is available to loyal innocent paying customers, etc.
The Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit development and is a resurrected version now available to loyal innocent legal status customers of the Lord and to the Lord’s wives, children, staffs, etc. The Lord’s development of the “Lord Jesus” spirit has many wonderful features including the Lord custom develops many settings to each of the Lord’s customer’s needs. The big feature of the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” developments are instead of the Lord programming persons to do their duties, tasks, etc., the “Lord Jesus” spirit has many technological routines that enable his loyal innocent paying customers to select, perform, complete many duties, tasks, and life in general without the Lord making “Herculean efforts” to get everybody’s programming done. However these technological routines are custom designed to each of the Lord’s loyal innocent paying customer’s needs and/or requests, etc.
Since being reintroduced “Lord Jesus” spirit, the Lord has overhauled the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit many times to higher, accepted levels, etc. The Lord does not sell advance weapons in his time in the future days and there are no advance weapons available to the general public that operate with their “Lord Jesus” spirit developments, etc. However the Lord, the Lord’s Goddess wives have advance defenses, weapons, etc., with the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit that is not available to the public. The Lord’s loyal innocent legal customers have “Lord Jesus” self-defense routines that require practicing in advance of deploying their usefulness. The Lord Jesus spirit is accepted to be an enhancement in a person’s life.
In the Lord’s future times where the most senior Lord to visit the prison planet Earth presently resides, many generations of time have passed and the residents have not seen nor been in wars.
An important step to peace is the Lord, Commander in Chief does not accept solicitation for estimates for contracted wars for pay which is really helpful in keeping the peace. And the Lord removed, destroyed, decommissioned to not operable status, etc., all previous contracted war weapons, devices, drones, waste dumps from everywhere that the Lord did not require in the Lord’s future times.
The “Lord Jesus” spirit is widely acclaimed and liked by the Lord’s loyal innocent legal status customers, the Lord’s wives, children, staffs, etc., and the Lord.
The Lord’s loyal innocent legal customers, the Lord’s Goddess wives, and the Lord’s female companion’s state they are happier with the “Lord Jesus” spirit, etc.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – More discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s Deuteronomy 6, verses 6:1 through 6:25
Deuteronomy 6, verses 6:1 through 6:25
New American Standard Bible
Obey God and Prosper God and Prosper
1“Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which the LORD your God has commanded me to teach you, that you might do them in the land where you are going over to possess it,
2 so that you and your son and your grandson might fear the LORD your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged.
3“O Israel, you should listen and be careful to do it, that it may be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.
4“Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!
5“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6“These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.
7“You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
8“You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. 9“You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.10“Then it shall come about when the LORD your God brings you into the land which He swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you, great and splendid cities which you did not build,
11 and houses full of all good things which you did not fill, and hewn cisterns which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you eat and are satisfied,
12 then watch yourself, that you do not forget the LORD who brought you from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 13“You shall fear only the LORD your God; and you shall worship Him and swear by His name.
14“You shall not follow other gods, any of the gods of the peoples who surround you,
15 for the LORD your God in the midst of you is a jealous God; otherwise the anger of the LORD your God will be kindled against you, and He will wipe you off the face of the earth.16“You shall not put the LORD your God to the test, as you tested Him at Massah.
17“You should diligently keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and His testimonies and His statutes which He has commanded you.
18“You shall do what is right and good in the sight of the LORD, that it may be well with you and that you may go in and possess the good land which the LORD swore to give your fathers, 19by driving out all your enemies from before you, as the LORD has spoken.20“When your son asks you in time to come, saying, ‘What do the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments mean which the LORD our God commanded you?’
21 then you shall say to your son, ‘We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt, and the LORD brought us from Egypt with a mighty hand.
22‘Moreover, the LORD showed great and distressing signs and wonders before our eyes against Egypt, Pharaoh and all his household;
23 He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to our fathers.’
24“So the LORD commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God for our good always and for our survival, as it is today.
25“It will be righteousness for us if we are careful to observe all this commandment before the LORD our God, just as He commanded us”In the Christian faith Bible verses 6:20 through 6:25 explains about “Righteous” is the faith of obeying the Lord our God’s commandments to obey the Lord’s approved laws, Lord’s approved judicial judgements, etc.
For example here in verse 6:20 is 20“When your son asks you in time to come, saying, ‘What do the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments mean which the LORD our God commanded you?’
In this Christian faith Bible verse 6:20 states: “the Lord our God commanded you” to obey “the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments”. The Lord, Commander in Chief is explained to be a God as well. The Lord, Commander in Chief only permits himself, the Lord to approve laws, to approve judicial open court judgements, to approve punishment orders and to approve executive orders, etc., on the Lord’s properties by laws approved the Lord, the owner and the Universe’s legal residents, etc.
In the Christian faith Bible verses 6:14 and 6:15 explains the Lord knows there are additional Gods, etc., however the Lord our God is the only owner, creator, developer of “All that Exists, all that will Exist and all that existed”.
14“You shall not follow other gods, any of the gods of the peoples who surround you,
15 for the LORD your God in the midst of you is a jealous God; otherwise the anger of the LORD your God will be kindled against you, and He will wipe you off the face of the earth”.The Lord defines legitimate Gods, Goddesses as innocent, Lord’s approved laws obeying “contributors” and has given them powers so much so that the Lord must listen to their serious statements, inquiries when serious and factual about the Lord’s Kingdom and the Lord’s Republics, etc., when the Lord has time available. In the most senior Lord’s residence in the Lord’s future times, the Lord accept inquiries, etc., from the legal residents through written emails sent to the Lord’s special dedicated computers, etc. I have written more concerning legitimate Gods, Goddesses being innocent, of being Lord’s approved laws obeying “contributors” later in this written speeches text.
The Lord reviews all the convict’s purported law passages, the convict’s close courts judgements even for traffic citations, etc. These verses warn for your safety as the Lord, the owner and the Universe’s legal residents have approved very strong punishments to convicted rebels, convicted invaders, convicted repeat serious offenses convicts and to those convicted of rebelling against the Lord’s approved laws thus is not wise and nor safe for yourself to become an outlaw.
In the Christian faith Bible verses 6:22 and 6:23 explains the Exodus Jews from prisons in Egypt are telling deceiving stories, deceiving facts in this live acting reenactment thus behaving as convicts often behave. A reader of the Christian faith Bible has to take into account many actions and consider them with proper logic of your experiences and not by a word by word acceptance as fact in a literature book, etc.
22‘Moreover, the LORD showed great and distressing signs and wonders before our eyes against Egypt, Pharaoh and all his household;
23 He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to our fathers.’Convicts are prohibited by Lord approved laws also approved by the Universe to own, purchase, etc., prisons, prison planets, etc., for obvious safety reasons. In today’s times the Lord is the head of the Republic of Israel and the Republic of Israel is owned by the Lord.
The Sinai Wilderness area is the Lord’s properties that the Lord approved treaties with many of the Lord’s Republics in the regions nearby in those years permitting the use of the Sinai wilderness areas as a punishment detainment prisons to many permitted Republics of those days. The Exodus Jews were kicked out of the cozy prison settings where food, water, clothing, bathing, sleeping areas were available because they were rioting in the prisons and not doing assigned work. The Exodus Jews were detained in the Sinai wilderness area that has temperatures reaching 140 degrees, sandstorms, wind storms, very little vegetation and no shade. The Lord does not have to explain the situation to convicts without privileges. All the Lord’s approved judgements against the Exodus Jews were enforced and completed and thus all the convicted Exodus Jew convicts perished in the Sinai wilderness prison area. The Exodus Jew’s innocent accompanying families were permitted to leave at any time.
Over the many thousands of years of the ancient Egypt there were many prisoners housed in the Sinai wilderness prison detainment areas who would not behave in the regular more comfortable prisons in Egypt. In ancient Egypt the Lord is the head of the Egypt with a trusted Pharaoh obeying the Lord’s orders. The Pharaoh and his wife wanted the Exodus Jews exiled to the Sinai wilderness for their offenses in the Egyptian prisons and the Lord approved. Which coincided with the Lord’s live acting reenactment of Jews Exodus from Egypt in the Lord’s “law and justice” theme “righteousness” in the old testament of many faiths.
A reader of the Lord’s approved faith books should take into account that a Lord approved conviction judgement and a Lord approved punishment orders are enforced in nature and have effects on convicted convicts. Serious offenses can bring felony treason conviction and felony impeachment conviction that makes the convicted convict’s activities, speeches mostly “not profitable” notions, etc.
So in the Christian faith Bible verses 6:22 and 6:23 the Exodus Jews from prisons in Egypt are far-fetched, not profitably giving false notions to their incarceration predicaments in the Sinai wilderness prison area.Yes, there is deception in literature just read a U.S. based newspaper full of fabricated stories of profitable businesses, etc., which are actually felony treason convicted and felony impeachment convicted businesses that have not paid their debts, have not paid dividends, have not paid rents, have not paid for services, have not paid for furniture, equipment, computers, etc. Lord felony treason convicted businesses, convicted entities, convicted persons, etc., are prohibited from working corruption of blood and are prohibited from working corruption of forfeiture, etc., according to the full Lord approved law clauses in the expanded volume U.S. Constitution version 2 with Lord approved explanations. The widely distributed U.S. Constitution booklet is a condensed version 1 with Amendments with partial law clauses, etc. Convicted businesses, convicted entities, convicted persons, etc., of serious offenses can never be saved, cannot be restored to innocent status as the Lord’s approved laws, the Lord’s approved judgements, the Lord’s approved judicial punishment orders, etc., are enforced in nature. So even an overhaul of a person’s body cannot overrule the existing Lord’s open judicial court judgement’s effects on the convicts in nature.
The effects of Lord approved felony impeachment conviction are also very severe too. A felony impeachment convicted person, felony impeachment convicted entity, felony impeachment convicted business, felony impeachment convicted governments, felony impeachment convicted organized crime, etc., cannot be in the Lord’s guaranteed Republican Form of government, cannot be honored, cannot be trusted and cannot profit within the Lord’s approved laws that are enforced in nature.
There are many more interesting explanations in the Christian faith Bible’s verses about righteousness being wise, intelligent acts of obeying the Lord’s approved laws, etc. The Lord has all persons who want to reside on the Lord’s properties sign a written oath statements acknowledging the Universe is the Lord’s properties, to obey the Lord’s approved laws, etc. The Lord presently has 100% signature approvals from the inhabitants of the Lord’s properties of acknowledging the Lord’s approved laws, rules, etc., be obeyed on a documents. Some of the inhabitants signed long ago, other left a blank “mark” which was witnessed by the Lord, etc.
In the Christian faith Bible verses 6:22 explains the Exodus Jews from prisons in Egypt are distressed at the live acting reenactment of the Lord’s powers, etc., which coincided on purpose with the Exodus of the Jewish prisoners from prisons in ancient Egypt.
22‘Moreover, the LORD showed great and distressing signs and wonders before our eyes against Egypt, Pharaoh and all his household; “
The live acting reenactment included God punishing by killing the first born of families in the area of the authorized live acting reenactment which required those first born of families volunteer and/or the first born of families be convicted convicts of serious offenses on death row. This live acting reenactment was very popular in those days of ancient Egypt and additional Republics. In recent times first born children mostly males have asked the Lord if they were going to be killed by the Lord. See Exodus 11, verses 11:1 through 11: 10.
Exodus 11, verses 11:1 through 11: 10
New American Standard Bible
The Last Plague”Now the LORD said to Moses, “One more plague I will bring on Pharaoh and on Egypt; after that he will let you go from here. When he lets you go, he will surely drive you out from here completely. 2“Speak now in the hearing of the people that each man ask from his neighbor and each woman from her neighbor for articles of silver and articles of gold.”
3The LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Furthermore, the man Moses himself was greatly esteemed in the land of Egypt, both in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants and in the sight of the people.
4Moses said, “Thus says the LORD, ‘About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt,
5and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of the Pharaoh who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the slave girl who is behind the millstones; all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
6‘Moreover, there shall be a great cry in all the land of Egypt, such as there has not been before and such as shall never be again.
7‘But against any of the sons of Israel a dog will not even bark, whether against man or beast, that you may understand how the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.’
8“All these your servants will come down to me and bow themselves before me, saying, ‘Go out, you and all the people who follow you,’ and after that I will go out.” And he went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.
9Then the LORD said to Moses, “Pharaoh will not listen to you, so that My wonders will be multiplied in the land of Egypt.”
10Moses and Aaron performed all these wonders before Pharaoh; yet the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not let the sons of Israel go out of his land.”To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Continuing discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s Psalm 100, verses 100:1 through 100:5
Psalm 100, verses 100:1 through 100:5
New American Standard Bible
All Men Exhorted to Praise God.
A Psalm for Thanksgiving. Men Exhorted to Praise God.
A Psalm for Thanksgiving.
1 “Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Serve the LORD with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.
3 Know that the LORD Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
5 For the LORD is good;
His loving kindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations”.The psalms in the Lord authored Christian faith Bible written with the Lord’s copyright is also in some of the teachings of the Islam faiths. The Lord has authored all the planet Earth’s faith books including: the various Christian faith Bibles; Islam faiths; Buddhism faiths, Hindu faiths, the Jewish faiths, the Book of Mormon faiths; Siddhartha books; the Indians of the world’s faiths; Martial Arts faiths, rules; sports rules, etc., and much more. The Lord is sometimes consulted on those texts, etc., and the Lord is also consulted on each of the Republic’s Lord approved laws, etc.
This Psalm includes “2 Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing” illustrates singing is permitted and enjoyed by the Lord who is the convicted prison planet Earth’s owner and who is also the Universe’s owner. The Lord wants joyful music. The Lord’s copyrighted music has been around for almost “all generations” with simpler joyful sounds for the “cave people”.
Shouting, singing joyfully is permitted however unlawful screaming curses, insults, badgering, etc., at a person nearby or on communication device like a telephone, etc., is not permitted unless in self-defense.
The Lord’s titles are: the Lord, the owner; Lord Commander in Chief; Lord Almighty; and Lord God Almighty when the Lord is with his Goddess wives elsewhere. The Lord has an identification serial number which is “1” as he is the 1st to exist and the only eternal that has no beginning, always exists. The Lord approved Universe laws states the Lord also has the legal titles of “Lord of Lords, King of Kings”, the Owner.
This Psalm includes “3 Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;” illustrates the facts as the Lord designs each individual person’s specifications to custom requirements and the Lord has valid contracts with all living beings who are thinking persons, etc. A person wanting to be on the Lord’s properties must first sign or give a “mark” witnessed by the Lord acknowledging the Universe is the Lord’s properties, to obey the Lord’s approved laws, etc. Note the Lord with all powers also is a God.
Many times through history the Lord has conveyed the message that the name “Jesus” is meant to describe by the Lord, the Christian faith Bible’s author: “Hook” “E” “S” “US” i.e., “Hook Excellent Spirits Ultimate Success” in the Lord’s inventions, creations, laws, procedures, life, etc. The first letters of the Lord’s mentioned phrase is from the name “Jesus” with the letter “J” being used to describe the word “Hook”. The excellent spirits are Lord approved and Lord issued powers. The Lord’s eternities of information, resources are the ultimate success some of is available to loyal innocent paying customers, etc.
A person in legal status, obeying the Lord’s approved laws has access to living a long time and potential riches of experiencing life’s activities, privileges, rights, blessings, joys, etc.
The Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit development and is a resurrected version now available to loyal innocent legal status customers of the Lord and to the Lord’s wives, children, staffs, etc. The Lord’s development of the “Lord Jesus” spirit has many wonderful features including the Lord custom develops many settings to each of the Lord’s customer’s needs. Like the customer’s settings for personal states of well-being and customer’s feelings of health, joy, etc., are individually set to one of the Lord’s available options, etc.
The big feature of the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” developments are instead of the Lord programming persons to do their duties, tasks, etc. The “Lord Jesus” spirit has many technological routines that enable his loyal innocent paying customers to select, perform, complete many duties, tasks, and life in general without the Lord making “Herculean efforts” to get everybody’s programming done. Since being reintroduced “Lord Jesus” spirit, the Lord has overhauled the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit many times to higher, accepted levels, etc.
The Lord does not sell advance weapons in his time in the future days and there are no advance weapons available to the general public with or without the “Lord Jesus” spirit developments, etc.
However the Lord, the Lord’s Goddess wives have advance defenses, weapons, etc., with the Lord’s “Lord Jesus” spirit that is not available to the public. The Lord’s loyal innocent legal customers have “Lord Jesus” self-defense routines that require practicing in advance of deploying their usefulness.
The “Lord Jesus” spirit is widely acclaimed and liked by the Lord’s loyal innocent legal status customers, the Lord’s wives, children, staffs, etc., and the Lord.
The Lord’s loyal innocent legal customers, the Lord’s Goddess wives, and the Lord’s female companion’s state they are happier with the “Lord Jesus” spirit, etc.
The Lord Jesus spirit is accepted to be an enhancement in a person’s life.
The Lord is not authorizing a “God” on the present prison planet Earth. However the Lord does and has authorized Gods and Goddesses in years past when deemed safe. The Lord grants permissions to Gods, Goddesses entities for their travels, and presences with privileges on the prison planet Earth.
The Lord’s intentions are enforcing the Lord’s approved laws and enforcing the Lord’s sole ownership, sole administrations, sole legislative powers, sole open court judicial powers, sole executive powers on the prison planet Earth without empowering rivals, like possibly a God entity that could become an outlaw Demon due to the harsh conditions of being around convicts. The Lord does not want to power outlaws who possibly could rebel causing needless battles, etc. Basically innocent, legal status persons with rights, privileges, etc., are not compatible with convicted convicts without rights, privileges, etc.
The Lord defines God entities and Goddesses entities that Gods, Goddesses must be innocent of offenses, innocent of crime convictions therefore in legal status, obeying Lord approved laws and having contributing values such like one of the following descriptions or all of the following descriptions that apply like: beauty; attractiveness; talents; cooperative if safe and wise while maintaining their defenses; providers of legitimate services; loyal innocent paying customers; Gods, Goddesses that the Lord has only given to them special powers. Also long life is an attribute of a genuine God, Goddess in legal status. A God, goddess should have genuine loved affections. There are additional attributes of a living God that a God, Goddess can have.
The Lord definitely believes contributors are providers of legitimate services who are innocent, Lord’s approved laws abiding, in legal status.
The Lord definitely believes contributors are loyal paying customers, who are innocent, Lord’s approved laws abiding, in legal status.
The mentioned contributors are attributes of a genuine God, genuine Goddess and is the known beliefs of faith of Gods, of Goddesses.The Lord writes, arranges Romance, Love songs to counter the persons in these time periods that favor spreading “hate” “disruptions”. Therefore the Lord writes, arranges Romance, Love songs to preserve a livable climate after attacks, disruptions, rebellions, invasions, etc., and are contributions from the Lord.
On the prison planet Earth, there are few new musical compositions released by the Lord because of prison operation’s restriction laws in place. Most of the released music is a new rendition of previously released music which the Lord has previously released elsewhere and/or possibly previously released in earlier time periods on the planet Earth. Those released Lord’s music compositions must be on the Lord’s approved release schedules in convict sectors.
Basically innocent, legal status persons with rights, privileges, etc., are not compatible with convicted convicts without rights, privileges, etc. The Lord and the Lord’s Goddess wives do not trust convicts neither does the legal Universe who has convicted, banned the convicts to prisons, prison planets owned, managed by the Lord.
The Lord is fascinated and adores, loves his wives and their innocent, professional, pure ways and respects each wife. The Lord defines “purity” of a person’s life, morals per the person’s innocent status. And by their observations, support of the Lord’s approved laws.
The Lord created the livable areas in all that exists is the only person who knows the required design and engineering constraints that must be used, etc. They are the laws of the USA, of the planet Earth, of the Universe which requires the Lord be the only source of all advance technologies, literature, music, etc. Much more has to be observed, practiced for smoother operations of product development, product manufacturing, product testing and product distributions, etc. However the Lord is not going to engage in hands-on contracted projects with businesses, corporations, etc., that have already defaulted on their portions of the contracts with the defaults proven, secured by the Lord’s court victories, etc.
However due to a lack of cooperation’s from the convicts, the lack of cooperation from the convict’s corporations, the lack of cooperation from the convict’s false governments and the lack of those entities to complete their contract obligations on these types of planets like this prison planet Earth are being phased out. The Lord will only have secure prison cells, maximum security prison planets with few privileges, etc., to the inmates in future times.
The Lord does state and approves the Lord’s law: “Despise convicts, criminals, etc.” which gives innocent, law observing persons spiritual strength to avoid convicts who will not behave in civil manners and are probably dangerous, etc.
The Lord employs signed written valid contracts prior to starting projects, so if those who sign their contracts with the Lord for projects from his authorized services default, the defaulters are later convicted of many offenses including felony treason convicted and felony impeachment convicted that are approved by the Lord with the Lord’s open judicial court in the U.S.A., and in the Lord’s Universe, etc., with authority to all cases and original jurisdiction, etc. Presently the Lord is not planning any further projects for defaulting, treason convicted, impeachment convicted entities, businesses, corporations, etc. Felony treason convictions that Lord approves with the Lord’s open judicial court powers cause felony impeachment convictions, etc., that only the Lord can review, approve, etc.
It is everybody’s responsibility to contribute to making a Heaven-like place and ambiance when not engaged with the additional duties, tasks of living, etc.
If a person is not in legal status then they are a demon. However a convicted person in permitted status can still be a contributor yet is not a God.
The Lord, the owner loves his wives, the children of his wives with him, his loyal thinking robot people, his loyal law abiding customers, many of his inventions, comforts, entertainments, etc., and the Lord loves himself.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Continuing discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s Genesis 1, verse 1:1
Genesis 1, verse 1:1
New American Standard Bible
The Creation Creation
1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”.The Lord, the author of this Christian faith Bible describes this Genesis 1:1 verse to fulfill his desire to add comfortable settings, romance and mystic into this faith book at the beginning.
Another meaning of this Christian faith Bible describes this Genesis 1:1 verse is to state contributions from Lord approved laws obeying Gods are desired contributors, etc.
There are many meanings to the Lord’s Genesis 1:1 verse; however the Lord is talking about the beginning of this faith book hopefully a good enjoyable read and/or the beginning of a pleasant evening with pleasant company and of possible romances, etc. The Lord states the need for all persons to contribute to creating a more pleasant place to live, work, etc.
Heaven is not a “free loader’s leaching” place on the Lord’s properties, etc.
“Do you have an invitation to Heaven?” Well, without an invitation and/or permissions stay where you are permitted.The creation of Heaven and Earth by God powers are contributions of the Lord to the cooperating legal status, Lord’s law obeying customers, residents, etc.
Obviously one person’s heaven may be restricted to their selected lifestyles, cultures, etc. Heaven is a peaceful, comfortable place, a place of abundance, a safe place, with a pleasant ambiance however maintaining peace keeping defenses to live, to complete your works, to perform your activities, and the availability of leisure including peaceful, safe sleeps, etc., without criminal elements of “hate,” without the “evil forces of It,” the hate monger’s places that may possibly be off in the distance from your heaven. A typical heaven can also have much more wonderful attributes, depends on the person’s tastes and availabilities of resources, etc. Therefore one person’s heaven can be more elaborate than another’s person’s heaven, etc.
In the future times where the Earth’s most senior Lord presently resides in those times, the Lord’s innocent loyal paying customers, i.e., “Gods” to the Lord tell the Lord that they are in Heaven and are happy. Excellent and good!
In the Lord’s faith books when a God is mentioned the Lord is usually talking of a beautiful, pleasant, legal status female however the Lord does authorize male Gods however not for personal romantic reasons.
An important consideration is if a person, persons, businesses, etc., are not in legal status then they are a demon, demons. However a convicted person in permitted status can still be a contributor yet not a God.
The Lord states there are many romantic verses in the Lord’s copyrighted faith books.
Genesis 1:1 verse is one of the Lord’s favorite Christian faiths Bible verses often acted in love from his Goddess’ wives to him. The Lord likes music videos very much therefore the Lord’s interests, involvements in music video productions. The Lord believes many of the Lord’s music videos are representative of life in heavens with angel like, very talented chosen persons performing, singing, cooperating, etc. The Lord’s music videos often act like a God creating heaven in the viewer’s home just like the Genesis 1:1 verse.
The Lord likens the Lord’s music videos to “visions from Heaven” that may help make a person’s life more joyful, etc., which can be used to temporarily set a mood for an occasion, etc.
Cooperating is really needed to accomplish most tasks even when the Lord is providing contracted services.
The Lord has stated there are many God entities with attributed verses in the Lord’s faith books. The Lord is also mentioned in his faith books though not always an exact accounting of his many adventures nor exact details. The Lord does appear in the Lord’s live acting reenactments as himself and additional cast members. The Lord with all powers often displays many of the Lord’s powers in the Lord’s live acting reenactment.
The Lord presently believes more Gods; more Goddesses who are contributors inherently in their chosen lifestyles are more profitable than none or one God and/or one Goddess.
The Lord is not authorizing a “God” on the convicted prison planet Earth because the prison planet Earth is a dangerous, defaulted, fraudulent place where many convicts are housed. However the Lord does and has authorized Gods and Goddesses in years past when deemed safe and still grants permissions to Gods, Goddesses for their travels, and presences with privileges on the planet Earth and elsewhere.
The Lord’s intentions are enforcing the Lord’s approved laws and enforcing the Lord’s sole ownership, sole administrations, sole legislative powers, sole open court judicial powers, sole executive powers on the prison planet Earth without empowering rivals, like possibly a God entity that could become an outlaw Demon due to the harsh conditions of being around convicts. The Lord does not want to power outlaws who possibly could rebel causing needless battles, etc. Basically innocent, legal status persons with rights, privileges, etc., are not compatible with convicted convicts without rights, privileges, etc. Convicted convicts often have not profitable notions even evil intentions.
The Lord defines God entities and Goddesses entities that Gods, Goddesses must be innocent of offenses, innocent of crime convictions therefore in legal status, obeying Lord’s approved laws and having contributing values such like one of the following descriptions or all of the following descriptions that apply like: beauty; attractiveness; talents; cooperative if safe and wise while maintaining their defenses; providers of legitimate services; loyal innocent paying customers; Gods, Goddesses that the Lord has only given to them special powers. Also long life is an attribute of a genuine God, Goddess in legal status. A God, goddess should have genuine loved affections. There are additional attributes of a living God that a God, Goddess can have.
The Lord definitely believes contributors are providers of legitimate services who are innocent, Lord’s approved laws abiding, in legal status.
The Lord definitely believes contributors are loyal paying customers, who are innocent, Lord’s approved laws abiding, in legal status.
The mentioned contributors are attributes of a genuine God, genuine Goddess and is the known beliefs of faith of Gods, of Goddesses.The Lord is the biggest contributor as the only legal source of all advance technologies, literature, music and much more. If a newly purchased item does not work it is because the Lord’s design, manufacturing instructions, manufacturing methods and authorities, etc., were not used, nor were the Lord’s approved laws obeyed. The Lord created the livable areas in all that exists is the only person who knows the required design and engineering constraints that must be used, etc. Also it is the laws of the USA, the planet Earth and the Universe that the Lord be the only source of all advance technologies, literature, music and much more has to be observed and practiced.
The Lord, who is the planet Earth’s owner has the official title, position of Lord, Commander in Chief of all the planet Earth’s Republics and with the Universe’s approvals is Lord, Commander in Chief of “All that Exists, present, future and past”. While the fraudulent convicted rebelling U.S. Federal governments claim known convicts are Commander in Chief and/or Governors, etc., which is false, fraudulent and prohibited. My supporting evidence is that the actual laws such the U.S. Constitution expanded volume edition version 2 with Lord approved explanations can be located in most major cities and elsewhere like in many larger libraries, in major University libraries, etc. The condensed U.S. Constitution version 1 and version 2 are just partial accounts of approved laws in booklet forms however do mention the Lord so the legal status of the Lord’s authority cannot be ignored.
The actual U.S.A. laws are the U.S. Constitution expanded volume edition version 2 with Lord approved explanations that were first approved by the original U.S. states during the time of George Washington’s second administration under the Lord, Commander in Chief.
Since then the United States of America, all 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. territories, etc., have approved the actual U.S. laws, the U.S. Constitution expanded volume edition version 2 with Lord approved explanations, etc.
The Lord is the Lord, Commander in Chief, head of the United States of America, the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and U.S. territories, etc., and similarly elsewhere in the world. In the United States of America the Lord is also the actual head of each individual U.S. state, Puerto Rico, the U.S. territories, counties, cities, etc. The real authorized city major, police chief, legislative law passing body in your town is the Lord, Commander in Chief, etc. The Lord operates, governs, manages the Lord’s properties like the just mentioned everywhere, etc.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Continuing discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s Matthews 22, verses 22:34 through 22:40
Matthews 22, verses 22:34 through 22:40
New American Standard Bible
Jesus Answers the Sadducees “But when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered themselves together.
35 One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him,
36“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”
38“This is the great and foremost commandment.
40“On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”Keep in mind, the name “Jesus” alone is used in these Matthews verses 22:34 through 22:40 are not with the name “Christ” added which means crisis. The point is there are several different entities with the name Jesus in this live acting reenactment, etc. And when the “Christ” is not included then the topic may be a Lord approved script’s meanings in the live acting reenactments.
The Lord, the owner loves his wives, the children of his wives, his loyal thinking robot people, his loyal Lord’s approved laws abiding customers and many of his inventions, comforts, entertainments, etc., and the Lord also loves himself. So the name given in this Christian faith Bible passage is Jesus implying achieving such a wonderful desired stature, status of liking neighbors that an individual has “Hook” “Excellent” “Spirit” Ultimate Success”. Wishful thinking?
The Matthews verse 22:37 which states” 37 And He said to him, “‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ The Lord is hoping to have less battles and more peace in his life.
The Lord’s neighbors are his Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions, the children of his wives, his loyal thinking robot people, his loyal Lord’s approved laws abiding, innocent customers and many of his inventions, comforts, entertainments, etc., and the Lord loves them all while they are in innocent status, while they are observing the Lord’s approved laws status, etc. The Christian faith Bible list verses that the Lord’s greatest commandments are loving yourself and loving your neighbor however obviously those commandments are not the Lord’s approved laws on those issues. Instead those commandments are literature, romantic stories with “law and justice” themes promoting obeying the Lord’s approved laws is righteousness, etc.
The Lord does state and approves the Lord’s law: “Despise convicts, criminals, etc.” which gives innocent, law observing persons spiritual strength to avoid convicts who will not behave in civil manners and are probably dangerous, etc.
The Lord’s approved laws to obey are “to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects” laws and the “freedom of religion” laws, etc., in these regards which grants your own thinking, decision making, faith developments, activities, etc., if in innocent and law observing status, etc. So you can decide who to like, love according to your thoughts, decisions on those persons, etc., because of having “Blessings of Liberties”, rights, privileges, etc.
The Lord has much work duties to perform in the trillions of daytime workdays each day plus the accompanying nighttime’s. The Lord’s wives presence in the Lord’s workrooms makes the Lord’s workday a much more heavenly place for the Lord rather than if the Lord was in his workrooms alone. The Lord’s wives like this arrangement also. The Lord’s wives behave very angel like while watching the Lord developed home television and entertainment networks; playing card games; reading and/or conversing with each other of the wives, etc., while in the Lord’s workroom. The Lord states his wives contribute much in his projects, life and the Lord is eternally grateful particularly for the Heaven the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s the Lord’s female companions create in the Lord’s presence. The Lord’s Goddess wives most favorite television programs are romantic serials that the Lord has developed. However the Lord’s Goddess wives also watch most of the Lord’s movies, television shows, videos, concerts, vacation movies, home festival and/or holiday party videos, etc. The Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions like examining everything that the Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions are permitted to have access to.
Lord’s Law states: “The preferred approved sexual orientation is male and female heterosexuality.” The Lord, the planet Earth, the Universes, etc., have approved these laws and have approved laws for the legal existence of a person’s multiple marriages.
The Lord also states: With any relationship you are the person who must be sure of the safety of your activities and receive consent from your companion. And as always when not in loving relationship you are not obliged to be married, etc.
The mentioned laws permit staying alone when you desire the single way’s lifestyles, etc.Another of the Lord’s approved laws is: The term marriage is solely for male and female unions. The Lord, the planet Earth, the Universes, etc., have approved these laws.
These laws are to prevent adulterating a male and female heterosexual marriage union from the “not preferred sexual orientations”. Most Lord’s approved laws including those in nature are enforced by the Lord’s inherent designs with the powers of the Lord in nature naturally. These are not new laws, these Lord’s approved laws have been enforced almost everywhere including on the convicted prison planet Earth for eons.
Most of the Lord approved laws came into existence because of Lord witnessed recurring riots, crime sprees that needed to be stopped. Fortunately the legal Universe’s residents agree with the obedience of the Lord’s approved laws, etc.
The Lord’s approved laws are the enforced “truth” and are valid laws, etc., everywhere.
Verbal conversations, written text, speeches can be false, etc.To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Continuing discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s Psalm 69, verse 69:33
Psalm 69, verse 69:33
New American Standard Bible
A Cry of Distress and Imprecation on Adversaries.
For the choir director; according to Shoshannim. A Psalm of David.″For the LORD hears the needy
And does not despise His who are prisoners”.The Lord states wait until the convictions and appeals are final before final opinions, etc. The Lord does state and approves the Lord’s law: “Despise convicts, criminals, etc.” which gives innocent, law observing persons spiritual strength to avoid convicts who will not behave in civil manners, are probably dangerous, probably have “not profitable” notions and have evil intentions, etc.
The Psalm verse portion of 69:33
33”For the LORD hears the needy
And does not despise His who are prisoners”.Is meant to describe those “needy” who are unlawfully detained, who are victims of crimes from convicts, criminals, etc., that the Lord gives mercy in legal Universes to those victims of crimes by many of the Lord’s advance methods, etc.
The Lord states that originally many eternities ago the Lord had powers inherent with him that the Lord describes as “divine” powers. However the Lord states since the long ago Lord’s time periods of divine powers, the Lord has learned much more, developed much more, etc.
The Lord’s Goddess wives are also happy the Lord is no longer romancing the legal sectors females with consent that was needed by the Lord’s female customers due to a lack of interested men availability. In the Lord’s future times, the legal sector Universe female’s state there are pleased with the available romancing of the opposite gender males in those future times.
Previously for a long time the romantic inclined females of the Lord’s Universes stated there was a shortage of eligible males whom would romance with them. The Lord also had to endure boycotts of the males opposed to romancing females. So for the Lord not to lose the interests in living of females made himself available for romancing consenting females who met the Lord’s qualifications. Even today the Lord is authorized to romance the females of the Lord’s Universes. The Lord definitely likes females and for many eons many females have worked with the Lord to improve life, etc., while many males boycotted and were belligerent. So glory to all the females who have worked with the Lord to improve life.
The Lord also does not romance beautiful convict girls in the Lord’s prisons like the Lord previously did for eternities when the Lord was single. The Lord planned to stop his widespread romancing in public for a long time. So the Lord is happy and the Lord’s Goddess wives are happy they have influenced the Lord to stop romancing convict girls.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Continuing discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “The Lucky One” song’s music video with connections to the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian faith Bible’s Revelation verses 22:1 through 22:21
Revelation 22, verses 22:1 through 22:21
New American Standard Bible
The River and the Tree of Life “Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb,
2 in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
3 There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him;
4 they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.
5 And there will no longer be any night; and they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign forever and ever.
6 And he said to me, “These words are faithful and true”; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show to His bond-servants the things which must soon take place.”
7“And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.”
8“I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things.
9 But he said to me, “Do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book. Worship God.”The Final Message
10“And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.”
11“Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.”
12“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. 13“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
14”Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city.
15 Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.”
16“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”
17”The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.
18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;
19and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”
21”The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.”Revelation verse 22:11 partial text states: “let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness”. The Lord desires from his loyal innocent, law abiding customers to practice, observe the Lord’s approved laws which is righteousness and to not interfere with Lord’s laws enforcements.
The Lord has all future residents of the Lord’s Universes sign oath to be obeying Lord’s approved laws. Presently that Lord has 100% of the entire Lord’s Universe’s resident’s signature oath approvals and/or “mark” approvals witnessed by the Lord. Later the Lord also signs those documents to validate.
Obviously to avoid detainment in prisons, to avoid doing harm to yourself from the effects of convictions of serious offenses it is important to obey the Lord’s approved laws. So do not obstruct the Lord’s approved laws, do not obstruct the Lord’s approved judgements that obeying righteous persons like the Lord, Commander in Chief enforce for the general welfare. Remember the Lord’s approved laws and the Lord’s approved judgements are enforced in nature.
A person in legal status, obeying the Lord’s approved laws has access to living a long time and potential riches of experiencing life’s activities, privileges, rights, blessings, joys, etc.
Revelation verse 22:7 text states
7 “And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.”The “Blessed” word in the Lord’s Christian faith book is placed as warning of possible dangers to follow this verse. Life is much more complicated and requires all your resources including thinking, planning, dedication and right decision making to stay “righteous”. So be warned the Lord, Commander in Chief is authorized to enforce the Lord’s approved laws quickly and the Lord may not even be seen in the Lord authorized duties. Note: The Lord’s Christian faith Bible is literature with partial accounts of a Lord produced live acting reenactments too.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – Legal status of the Lord’s multiple marriages in the U.S.A., in the prison planet earth, in the Universes is by Universe laws which the Lord has approved which cannot be over-ruled except by the Lord, himself
The Lord has many wives so the Lord and each of the Lord’s wives started their companionships with individual contracts between them. In those companionship contracts and the later marriage contracts with their individual benefits, property rights decided, elaborated in writing. Each wife thus is binding their husband the Lord to be with each of them, each wife individually each day and night of the wives’ lives. Each wife requires the Lord’s full, complete attentions when the Lord is with each wife individually. Only an immortal, an eternal, a “Time Lord” can live that long as is required in the Lord’s circumstances.
The Lord can be everywhere he desires to be on his properties simultaneously in many locations therefore the Lord can be with each wife every day and night. The Lord’s wives are not look-alike gang members but instead each wife lives individually their own complete life all 24-hours of each day.
The Lord completes the Lord’s contract obligations to be reliable, to be credible and to be efficient which helps the Lord’s displayed “innocent ratio” which includes many factors, etc.
The Lord’s Goddess wives are not going to visit the convicted prison planet Earth in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities.
The Lord’s approved laws permit multiple male and female heterosexual marriages everywhere however having more than one wife is a lot more work, etc. With the Lord’s multiple marriages the Lord and his Goddess wives are “pillars of heterosexuality, heaven, peace, righteousness, etc.,” that enforce mystical authorized Lord’s powers on “all that exists, present, future and past”, etc.
The Lord accompanies each wife individually everywhere the wives are permitted to travel with the Lord per their agreements at the assigned times every day and night of the each wife’s life to the pleasure of the Lord’s wives. The Lord’s wives have agreed that the Lord on his own extra time when his businesses requires his presence that the Lord goes to the dangerous places like the convicted prison planet Earth alone. The Lord’s treasured wives are kept safe with the Lord never leaving their side because the Lord is a time Lord who can be in many places at same time on his properties simultaneously even when the Lord is traveling away from home on his own.
The Lord and the Lord’s Goddess wives do not trust convicts neither does the legal Universe who has convicted, banned the convicts to prisons, prison planets owned, managed by the Lord.
The Lord’s wives and the Lord vote for a numerical ranking of all the wives therefore naming an overall “number one” wife of responsibilities, authority, etc. However the Lord must treat each of his wives, the Lord’s female companions with honor, care, love, affection, devotion, desires for each of their individual companionship, etc. The Lord gives glory to the Lord’s Goddess wives and the Lord’s the Lord’s female companions plus reassurances of the Lord’s commitments to them.
The Lord special creation females have special love bonds with the Lord and are agreeable, pleased with the contracted arrangements with the Lord and of their companionship with the Lord. Including the Lord and his Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions have a special guiding light to honor, care, love, desire the companionship of each other in their unions every day and every night in the Lord’s homes in future times. The Lord’s wives review their own settings and their own contracts with the Lord including this mentioned special guiding light each year or according to their agreements with the Lord.
The Lord’s Goddess wives, female companion’s state to the Lord whenever the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s the Lord’s female companions see the Lord is without a wife and/or female companion beside the Lord that “he is doing that!” The word “that” to the Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions describes “questionable activities”, etc. The Lord has accepted the Lord’s wives, female companion’s definition of “that” since it makes sense and describes the popular word usage of saying “that”. The Lord’s Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions are “purring” with their love feelings to the Lord and the Lord likes to “purr” back his love to his Goddess wives, the Lord’s female companions by pleasing them, etc.
Previously the Lord had some wives, the Lord’s female companions that did not desire this special light to maintain their unions possibly forever. Thus those Lord’s wives, the Lord’s female companions left the Lord and the Lord completed the settlements of divorce, separation according to their contracts with the Lord.
Similarly many of the convicted convicts on the prison planet Earth selected dangerous settings for themselves which probably led to their convictions after being strongly advised by the Lord not to select those dangerous settings. The Lord has since outlawed all dangerous settings to his customers, etc., to further establish justice, etc. The reason the Lord previously permitted those dangerous settings is because each individual under the Lord’s laws is responsible for their lives, etc. , and because of public requests to live dangerously.
The Lord being from future time periods has married the entire over 100-Laura Branigan’s special creation singers, performers from most of their lives within realistic methods after they have left the planet Earth. The reason the Lord has contracted with many the Lord’s female companionships of a particular style of appearance is the Lord’s special creation female performers whether they perform or not are “special creations” of the Lord. The Lord special creation females have special love bonds with the Lord and are agreeable, pleased with the contracted arrangements with the Lord and of their companionship with the Lord.
The Lord valuables, loves very much the Lord’s special creation females whom were created as adults thus are spending their whole lives with their trusted husband, the Lord. The Lord does not let the Lord’s special creation female stray into the potentially dangerous worlds alone instead they stay protected, happy and cared for with the Lord simultaneously while the Lord may be elsewhere on planets away from home. Actually it is usually very dangerous everywhere for beautiful, talented persons to travel within the public’s view even the Lord has to be careful in his travels, etc.
The way the Lord and his wives stay married is they each consent with yearly reviews to have the new Lord development, a “new special light”. The “new special light” that the Lord and the Lord’s consenting, confirming wives have obtained reinforces their desires for each other’s companionship, to love each other, to care for each other, to protect each, etc., and much more. So for the Lord, those marriages are stable and long term hopefully forever, etc. The Lord’s wives with this special relationship light want to stay with the Lord forever. The Lord’s wives are not look-alike gang members but instead each wife lives individually their own complete life all 24-hours of each day.
What’s the fuss about multiple marriages is the Mormons do not want to promote the Lord’s faith books like the book of Mormons, etc., based on “Law and Justice” themes because they are inmates on the prison planet Earth. The Lord does state that multiple marriages is much more work however you convicts may be sleeping with a wife of millions of look-alike wives arriving and departing with different serial numbers every night which is really dangerous. And the same dangerous situation happens to the Lord’s female companions of males on this prison planet Earth because the males also are look-alike prison gang members arriving and departing very often.
The Lord regulates all child births of thinking beings and the additional animals which are Lord approved laws and Universe approved laws.
The state of Utah and the rest of the U.S.A. being inhabited by convicts whom are usually rioting and have defaulted like the rest of the USA on completed contracts performed by the Lord including the Mormon temple in downtown Salt Lake city, Utah which is foreclosed and returned to the Lord. The Lord eventually moves the Lord’s favorite buildings into the Lord’s authorized “Archives” for long term care and storage elsewhere. Basically innocent, legal status persons with rights, privileges, etc., are not compatible with convicted convicts without rights, privileges, etc.
The Mormons never made a payment on 99.99% of all Mormon Temples, churches the Lord has built, etc. Looking at the USA’s vast defaults on contract payments shows the Lord is right on the “Law and Justice” theme faith books are needed if only to console the mortals cheated that the Lord will get you vengeance for you, etc., and get vengeance for himself by Universe-wide approvals via referendum of the Lord approved laws, etc.
In prisons including the convicted prison planet Earth, the Lord approved laws, contracts are enforceable. Note the Lord has approved and the Universe, etc., have approved the “all that exists” laws that state prisons, prison planets are not transferable to convicts, convicted convict inmates, etc. Yet rents are due for the use of requested Lord owned buildings, properties, etc., that are secured by signed contracts, laws, etc.
The Lord gave the Mormons enough chances, etc. The Lord’s faith books tell the Mormons and everybody else what to expect is that Hell and their Final Deaths will follow their lives on the prison planet Earth for their convicted serious offenses. So note all laws require the Lord’s approvals from the Lord. The Lord, Commander in Chief of the United States of America, being the U.S. state and the head, owner of the Republic of the United States of America, the planet Earth’s owner, the Universe’s owner, owner of the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories, etc. The point is the Mormons know their promoted laws in the state of Utah are false, are not authorized and are annoying.
It is interesting to note that multiple marriages are permitted world-wide, yet in the U.S.A., rebels claiming authority often attempt enforcement of false laws, etc.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
– – – – – The importance of the Lord’s authored faith books like the Christian Bible
The importance of the Lord’s authored faith books and verses are the text are different romantic compositions of texts of the Lord’s approved laws or of the activities documented by the Lord that are not mentioned much anywhere else and some is called righteousness. On the prison planet Earth the Lord’s approved laws are the enforced “truth” and valid laws, etc., just like everywhere else and not the Lord’s faith book’s text that has similar content, meanings, etc. The Lord’s authored faith books are entertaining, mysterious, and are partial accounts of live acting reenactments performed at many locations, planets for eternities, etc., thus are known Lord authored stories. The Lord’s faith books and the Lord’s music compositions, lyrics are full of thought provoking topics from the Lord’s long life of many eternities.
The prison planet Earth is located in the Lord’s massive convict containment facilities since around 1970 and is new advance planet Earth design which may have been occupied previous to 1970. The Lord’s planet Earth designs are usually retired every 250,000 to 500,000 years and the occupants transferred to a new Lord’s planet, etc. According to the Lord’s approved laws of replacement planets that state the prior planet’s records, agreements, belongings, etc., are valid on the new replacement planet. Another important consideration is the Lord’s approved laws are enforced in nature therefore the law and justice romantic themes of the Christian faith Bible are visible, authorized and ongoing, etc., being similar to the actual Lord’s approved laws that must obeyed, etc. The visibility of the Lord’s visible, authorized and ongoing, etc., faith book stories being similar to the actual Lord’s approved laws that must obeyed, etc., makes them very popular everywhere. The Lord’s faith books are promoting the safe, for the general welfare observation of the faith of “Righteousness” by obeying the Lord’s approved laws that are also approved by the Universe’s legal residents, etc., thus with “law and justice” theme throughout.
It is evident that the Lord’s faith books are live acting reenactments where the Lord may appear as himself and additional cast members. The Christian faith Bible has many different versions than the present Christian faith Bible version called the “Convict Crisis” version, like the most popular the “Lord and Mary” version, next in popularity is the “Jesus the Savior” version, etc. Each reenactment has its unique features at each location where they are performed.
The Lord an eternal has been directing, producing, writing and doing many different themes of live acting reenactment for eternities, etc. Everybody on the planet Earth has lived elsewhere than this planet Earth and surely has heard of the Lord’s live acting reenactments popular everywhere. Besides the interesting stories, script, actors, actresses, the Lord’s live acting reenactment have supernatural effects such making a viewer, story follower feel more comfortable, to feel exuberance, happy, content, etc. The Lord notices his memories come alive from the Lord’s reading of the Lord’s faith books and sometimes the Lord feels “power surges” in his body and thoughts too. Thrilling!
– – – – – Q and A from the Editor, David E Ros
Is the convicted prison planet Earth going to end soon?
The Lord is back in this time period he has some work to do before he returns back into his time of days forward, distinct in time and space to be with his loved the Lord’s female companions at his safest place which he makes safer as time goes on. His more open recent presence could be the reasons for the many recent comets, meteorites seen in these planet Earth’s skies in the recent 2014 and 2015 years possible warnings of impending doom as the prison planet Earth is a convicted planet due to many rebellions, invasions, convictions, etc. Additional convictions are for exceeding permitted danger levels, exceeding permitted time period (grace period) while in default on payments for the Lord’s contracted services, etc., that the Lord has provided world-wide. A note to remember is that with every conviction of a Lord’s Republic and/or Lord’s planets, etc., the inhabitants lose privileges, etc.
The original contracts with the Lord have provisions for “Extreme Justice” to deal with invasions, rebellions, excessive convicts, convicts, etc., which permits partial ends and complete ends of the Lord’s convicted prison planet Earth, etc. Considering those enforced conditions of laws and additional laws, the end to the convicted prison planet Earth is an ongoing activity somewhere on convicted prison planet Earth almost every day. So surely a final end to the convicted prison planet Earth will arrive someday.
In prisons including the convicted prison planet Earth, the Lord approved laws, contracts are enforceable. Note the Lord has approved and the Universe, etc., have approved the “all that exists” laws that state prisons, prison planets are not transferable to convicts, convicted convict inmates, etc. Yet rents are due for the use of requested Lord owned buildings, properties, etc., that are secured by signed contracts, laws, etc.
– – – – – There are three major convictions on the prison planet with surrenders which are:
The convicted, abolished, surrendered U.S. Federal governments have made illegal “not authorized” attempts to reform their illegal governments unlawfully with invaders from elsewhere. Yet the U.S. Federal governments are abolished by a referendum of the United States of America, the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico and the additional U.S. territories with the required Lord’s approvals.The Lord approved expanded edition volume U.S. Constitution version 2’s laws approved by the United States of America, the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories lists the abolished status of the U.S. Federal governments. That occurred after the Lord’s hand-selected the Lord’s guaranteed Republican Form of government of George Washington’s first and second administrations had ended over 200 years ago. Be aware of imposter George Washington look-alikes that appear in the U.S.A. once in a while. George Washington made his point clear to the Lord, George Washington is not going to visit the Lord’s convict containment facilities, the Biblical caverns of Hell.
The condensed U.S. Constitution version 1 and/or version 2 booklets with Amendments is not the Lord approved U.S. Constitution version 2 expanded volume edition laws with Lord approved explanations. The Internet presently falsely, fraudulently claims the condensed U.S. Constitution version 1 and/or version 2 booklets with amendments are the U.S. National laws and that the booklets are the complete U.S. Constitution version 1 and/or 2 which is false.
The convicted, abolished, surrendered U.S. Federal governments particularly the convicted, abolished, surrendered U.S. Congress is convicted on many felony offenses including felony treason convictions, felony impeachment convictions of unlawful “not authorized” war crimes against other countries, planets, against the Lord the U.S. Republic’s owner and the head of state. Fraudulent not authorized taxations and failure to pay almost all debts, contracts, etc., for over 200 years, etc.
The Lord is known in the Universe, on the planet Earth, in the United States of America, in the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories as the real national and state government while the “fake” false state governments are convicted of similar offenses, etc., of the U.S. Federal government.
Basically the unlawful scheme is to take credit of all the Lord’s operations in the U.S.A., the 50-U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories is to tax the public illegally with the Lord convicted, corrupt U.S. corporation’s assistance, with the Lord convicted, corrupt U.S. “fake” false governments, etc., while operating unlawful schemes to not pay their debts, etc. The illegal tax collections revenues are “tainted” monies by the Lord’s approved laws in nature therefore are useless and are senselessly destroyed by the convicted organized crime entities, etc. Those mentioned Lord convicted organized crime operations are inside the prison planet Earth. Most who work for the convicted corporations, most who work for the convicted “fake” false governments are rarely paid regularly.
The Lord never approved the U.S. Federal government’s Internal Revenue Service taxations nor of additional U.S. Federal government unlawful taxation attempts. The Internal Revenue Code book used by the I.R.S. is a stolen reference book from another planet where the residents on the other planet approved their taxation system and got the Lord to approve.
The Internal Revenue Service has also surrendered to the Lord. Those mentioned convicted entities face total closure particularly the convicted, abolished U.S. Federal governments, the convicted Internal Revenue Service, the area where Washington D.C. is located and most U.S. Federal government offices. Reforming the false, convicted not authorized U.S. Federal governments is prohibited. Reforming the false, convicted not authorized U.S. states and local governments is prohibited on the Lord owned properties everywhere.
Washington D.C. is being demolished and will become vacant land and is always the Lord’s properties. Actually the closure of the Lord’s owned U.S. Federal government buildings, offices, the Lord’s U.S. military bases, etc., has been ongoing for over 50-years, etc., due previous surrender agreements with Washington D.C. and the convicted purported U.S. Federal governments.
The effects of Lord approved felony impeachment conviction are also very severe too. A felony impeachment convicted person, felony impeachment convicted entity, felony impeachment convicted business, felony impeachment convicted governments, felony impeachment convicted organized crime, etc., cannot be in the Lord’s guaranteed Republican Form of government, cannot be honored, cannot be trusted and cannot profit within the Lord’s approved laws that are enforced in nature, etc.
The Lord, Commander in Chief continues to be head, owner of the Republic of United States of America with all the Lord’s powers like usual, etc.– – – 2. The United Kingdom Republic of England’s real and honorable Queen Elizabeth II has surrendered England to the Lord after many convictions of England, internal strife in England and similar convicted offenses to the abolished U.S. Federal governments.
The convicted, abolished, surrendered United Kingdom Republic of England governments is convicted on many felony offenses including felony treason convictions, felony impeachment convictions of unlawful “not authorized” war crimes against other countries, planets, against the Lord the United Kingdom Republic of England’s owner and the head of state.
Those convicted entities excluding the innocent real Queen Elizabeth II face total closure, the closures and sinking of the Lord owned England to underwater depths has been agreed upon with the Lord and England. Note: There are false, fake, fraudulent Queen Elizabeth II look-alikes entities which are convicted convicts who are not the real, innocent Queen Elizabeth II.
The Lord, Commander in Chief continues to be head, owner of the United Kingdom Republic of England with all the Lord’s powers like usual, etc.
– – – 3. The convicted international organized crime organization calling themselves the Republic of Vatican City and the Roman Catholic Church organizations for many war crimes in violations of Lord approved planet Earth laws that are also approved by the Universe, etc. The violations include not authorized war crimes of Hades invasions from the air on the planet Earth and other planets, sending not authorized murderous, assaulting, thieving Catholic militants to murder residents on the planet Earth numerously times. The Republic of Vatican City and the Roman Catholic Church organizations are to be totally closed. The closures of the Republic of Vatican City and the Roman Catholic Church organizations include the sinking of the Lord owned Vatican City, Southern Italy to underwater depths has been agreed upon with the Lord and the Republic of Vatican City and the Roman Catholic Church organizations. Reforming the Republic of Vatican City and the Roman Catholic Church organizations is prohibited.
An interesting note is the Republic of Vatican City and the Roman Catholic Church is founded on old Lord written, directed “banned” live acting reenactments that had a church claiming to be good, to be law abiding yet was a sinister, corrupt, convicted organization. That Roman Catholic Church live acting reenactment was very popular but spawned not authorized crime waves, etc., thus are banned, prohibited themes of live acting reenactment, etc.
The Lord continues to be the head, owner of the Republic of Vatican City and of the Lord’s Roman Catholic Church properties owned by the Lord with all the Lord’s powers, etc.
– – – 4. There are many additional convictions, surrenders to the Lord. Partially and complete ends to convicted, surrendered planet Earth countries are ongoing. The planet Earth has been convicted many times in years past and the planet’s Earth inhabitants gave their verbal approvals to ending the convicted prison planet Earth’s occupation, etc., to the Lord.
The future of the prison planet Earth’s convict inhabitants is that all them will be voluntarily moved and/or captured “dead or alive” to be moved to the Lord’s incarceration prison cells in the Lord’s massive containment facilities so the convicts can serve their Lord approved Judgements, sentences and Lord approved punishment orders.
The Lord continues to be head, owner of the planet Earth Republics, of the planet Earth, of the Universe, etc., of the Lord’s properties and of all the Lord’s churches properties presently owned by the Lord with all the Lord’s powers, etc. The Lord has approved laws that prohibit prison planet’s ownerships by the convicted convict inhabitants which are also approved by “all that exists” governments for obvious safety. It is known that the Lord leases the Lord’s new planet creations, developments and does not sell planets which are a more economical contract approach to the potential residents of Lord creations and developments.
– – – – – I will add more discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performance of “The Lucky One” song’s music video including more discussions on “The Lucky One” lyrics, etc., when I have time available.
To view, listen to this enjoyable music video “The Lucky One” performed by Laura Branigan with the accompanying band and the accompanying music, click the following URL link, and scroll down to the music video:
David E Ros
Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner
Published on: Jan 13, 2015 @ 19:23
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