Greetings World-Wide Visitors

Just another Music Lover’s website

What’s new on P. 1 of 2

Greetings Music Lovers, Music Listeners,
Here’s what been revised, updated, or newly added to
Best regards,
David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner
Originally published on: Apr 22, 2015 @ 18:07
Last Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020; 4-26-2020; 5-15-2020; 5-23-2020; 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020; 6-12-2020; 6-20-2020; 7-6-2020; 7-21-2020; 7-24-2020; 8-1-2020; 8-6-2020; 8-7-2020; 8-11-2020; 8-15-2020; 8-18-2020; 8-21-2020; 12-19-2020; 12-24-2020; 12-25-2020; 3-14-2021; 3-28-2021; 3-30-2021; 2-24-2022; 4-20-2022
Continuing revising, updating, “polishing” the complete website for new site-wide layouts, proof reading, transcribing song’s lyrics, etc., to be incorporated in website.

New additions on P. 1 of 2

* * * * *

* I’m installed the “wpForo” forum to complement the bbPress forum. bbPress forum is alright too and I’m also repairing a few not linking links. I like the wpForo forum. I have already installed a few posts.
For the bbPress Forum link, see: bbPress Forum
For the wpForo Forum link, see: wpForo Forum
I will update all my URL links to the connect the wpForo forum to my website’s indexes and webpages.
***** wpForo was temporarily deactivated when the then latest wpForo plugin update, version 1.9.3 was not working and was causing this website to not function on 12-18-2020.
wpForo is activated on 12-19-2020 with a working, the latest wpForo plugin update, version 1.9.3.
Revised: 1-6-2020 through 1-12-2020; 8-21-2020; 12-19-2020

* * * * *

New WordPress theme installed. Now using Theme Hunk’s Top Store theme

The newly installed Theme Hunk Top Store WordPress theme has all the previous issues solved that the previously installed Atahualpa WordPress theme was having.
The previously installed Atahualpa WordPress theme is presently not permitting settings changes through the Atahualpa theme’s setting’s menu.
The new WordPress theme “Customize” menu does not permit access to the Atahualpa WordPress theme’s many settings.
The video’s sizes were affected by the changes to the Atahualpa WordPress theme and were too large, (long) and not self-adjusting to fit on the webpages.
Also, the previously installed Atahualpa WordPress theme was not compactable with wpForo forums.
Installed on: 11-8-2020

* * * * *

* I’m repairing the 83-bbPress Forum topics and folders while updating their URL links to new standards. To view the Forum topics posted at the Forum go the Editor’s Comments Index tab at top right side of each webpage. The Editor’s Comments Index has all the posted text, comments from David E Ros, Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner.
Revised: 1-6-2020 through 1-10-2020; 8-21-2020.

* * * * *


1. Added, revised, updated the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s video webpage;
Added new URL link to the Forum – “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions” topic on the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song webpage;
Added a replacement new webpage for the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song music video” and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels;
1a. Added the replacement new webpage URL link for the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song” webpage in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” in the “A-B Index” webpage; in the Editor’s Comments – Berlin “Take My Breath Away” webpage and in the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions” topic forum webpage.
Revised: 1-14-2020; 1-17-2020
1b. Added a replacement new video from the Berlin music channel for the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s music video and set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels, also updated the HTML programming to new standards, checked the spelling and punctuation of the webpage’s text with Microsoft Word program.
Revised: 6-8-2020
1c. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 1-18-2020; 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020; 8-1-2020
1d. New revised, updated Final Transcribed “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics in the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s video webpage due the new replacement music video’s insertion into my webpage for usage. Also revised, updated the Quick Editor’s Comments reference partial “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics to the latest Final Transcribed song’s lyrics.
Revised: 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020
Published on: Jun 10, 2018 @ 10:21
Revised: 6-11-2018; 6-12-2018; 6-15-2018; 6-16-2018; 9-5-2018; 9-6-2018; 9-10-2018; 11-29-2018; 1-14-2020; 1-17-2020; 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020; 8-1-2020


2. Added, revised, updated the “Editor’s Comments – Berlin “Take My Breath Away” webpage adding the replacement new webpage URL link to the new replacement “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song” webpage in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” in the “A-B Index” webpage;
Revised: 1-8-2020
2a. Added, revised, updated the “Editor’s Comments – Berlin “Take My Breath Away” webpage in the “Extended Carry Tempo of song’s lyrics” text section for the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song. Also revised the transcribed lyrics and Quick Editor’s Comments with Microsoft Word for spelling and punctuation correctness. New revised, updated Final Transcribed “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics in the “Extended Carry Tempo of song’s lyrics” in the “Editor’s Comments – Berlin “Take My Breath Away” webpage.
Revised: 1-8-2020; 6-8-2020; 6-12-2020
2b. New revised, updated Final Transcribed “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics in the “Editor’s Comments – Berlin “Take My Breath Away” webpage. Also revised, updated the Quick Editor’s Comments reference partial “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics to the latest Final Transcribed song’s lyrics.
Revised: 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020
Published on: Sep 6, 2018 @ 10:44 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 9-10-2018; 1-18-2020; 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020; 6-12-2020
Published on: September 6, 2018 at 11:41 am at Forum

3. Added the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions topic in the Berlin music videos wpForo; forum
3a. Added the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions topic’s URL links in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage and in the “Index of Music Videos” in the “A-B Index” webpage;
3b. Added, revised, updated the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions topic’s forum webpage adding the replacement new webpage link for the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s webpage in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” in the “A-B Index” webpage;
3c. Added, revised, updated the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions webpage in the “Extended Carry Tempo of song’s lyrics” text section for the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song. Also revised the transcribed song’s lyrics and Quick Editor’s Comments with Microsoft Word for spelling and punctuation correctness. New revised, updated Final Transcribed “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics in the “Extended Carry Tempo of song’s lyrics” in the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions webpage.
Revised: 1-8-2020; 6-8-2020; 6-12-2020
3d. New revised, updated Final Transcribed “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics in the “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song discussions webpage. Also revised, updated the Quick Editor’s Comments reference partial “Berlin “Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics to the latest Final Transcribed song’s lyrics.
Revised: 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020
3e. Added the “Berlin music videos forum” index in the wpForo forum;
Published on: Sep 6, 2018 @ 10:44 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 9-10-2018; 1-18-2020; 6-8-2020 thru 6-10-2020; 6-12-2020
Published on: September 6, 2018 at 11:41 am at Forum
* * *


1. Blondie music videos
Added new URL link to the Forum – “Blondie “Atomic” song discussions” forum topic on this webpage;
1a. Added a replacement “Blondie “Atomic” song music video” with new source listed. Enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
1b. Added, revised, updated the “Blondie music videos” webpage’s URL links and text to the Editor’s Comments & wpForo forum
Revised: 1-15-2020; 1-19-2020; 1-20-2020
1c. Checked programming codes on the “Blondie music videos” webpage.
Revised: 1-20-2020
1d. Added the “Blondie music videos” forum index in the wpForo forum;
Revised: 1-8-2020
Published on: Feb 9, 2015 @ 13:04
Revised: 2-11-2015; 2-13-2015; 2-15-2015; 4-29-2015; 5-2-2015; 5-3-2015; 5-7-2015; 2-24-2016; 2-25-2016; 3-3-2016; 3-4-2016; 3-11-2016; 3-13-2016; 3-15-2016; 5-26-2016; 6-8-2016; 6-26-2016; 8-7-2016; 8-10-2016; 8-11-2016; 8-24-2016; 9-20-2016; 1-9-2017 through 1-12-2017; 2-28-2018; 1-15-2020; 1-19-2020; 1-20-2020


Video #1. Added a replacement “Blondie “Call Me” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels is a new music video replacement;
Revised: 1-19-2020
1a. Added a replacement “Blondie “Atomic” song” music video webpage with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels on the “Blondie singing “Atomic” song” webpage; added URL link to additional Blondie music videos and replaced affiliate advertisements on this webpage;
Revised: 1-15-2020; 1-19-2020
1b. Checked programming codes on the “Blondie “Atomic” song” music video webpage.
Revised: 1-20-2020
1c. Added the “Blondie “Atomic” song discussions” topic in the Blondie music videos wpForo forum;
Revised: 1-8-2020
1d. Added the “Blondie in “Atomic” song discussions” topic’s URL link in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage and in the “Index of Music Videos” in the “A-B Index” webpage.
Revised: 1-12-2020
* * *

Video #2. Added a replacement “Blondie “Call Me” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels is a new music video replacement;
Revised: 1-19-2020
Video #3. Added a replacement “Blondie “Denis” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020
3a. No changes to the Editor’s Comments – Blondie “Atomic” webpage;

* * *

Video #4. Added a replacement “Blondie “Dreaming” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020
4a. Added the “Blondie “Dreaming” song discussions” topic in the Blondie music videos forum
Revised: 1-8-2020

* * *

Video #5. Added a replacement “Blondie “Heart of Glass” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020

* * *

Video #6. Added a replacement “Blondie “In The Flesh” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020

* * *

Video #7. Added a replacement “Blondie “Maria” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020

* * *

Video #8. Added a replacement “Blondie “One Way or Another” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020
8a. Added the “Blondie “One Way or Another” song discussions” topic in the Blondie music videos forum
Revised: 1-8-2020
8b. Added a replacement “Blondie “One Way or Another” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020

* * *

Video #9. Blondie singing “The Tide is High” song music video webpage.
Published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:20
Revised: 5-7-2015; 5-28-2015; 3-2-2016; 3-4-2016; 3-11-2016; 3-13-2016; 5-2-2016; 5-26-2016; 5-27-2016; 6-8-2016; 6-29-2016; 8-11-2016; 1-12-2017; 1-14-2017; 3-3-2018; 1-8-2021; 1-10-2021; 1-13-2021; 2-9-2021; 2-10-2021; 2-13-2021; 2-14-2021; 2-18-2021; 2-21-2021; 3-19-2021
1-8-2021 installed a new replacement music video embed codes that is the latest quality version;
1-8-2021 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
1-8-2021; 2-10-2021; 2-12-2021; 2-14-2021 misc. change(s)
1-8-2021; 1-10-2021 replaced the Amazon Associates advertisements that were outdated;
1-13-2021 added the “Quick Editor’s Comments” area;
2-9-2021; 2-13-2021 transcribed the new replacement music video that was installed on 1-8-2021;
2-9-2021; 2-10-2021; 2-13-2021; 2-14-2021; 2-21-2021 wrote the “Quick Editor’s Comments”;
2-9-2021; 2-10-2021; 2-13-2021; 2-14-2021; 2-21-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
2-9-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
2-9-2021; 2-10-2021; 2-13-2021; 2-14-2021; 2-21-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
2-9-2021; 2-10-2021; 2-13-2021 manual check of HTML codes
2-13-2021 installed two pairs of URL links to “C. Editor’s Comments” and “D. wpForo Forum” webpages dated
(Feb 13, 2021 at 14:23):
2-13-2021 installed two pairs of URL links to “C-1. Editor’s Comments” and “D-1. wpForo Forum” webpages dated (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)
2-18-2021 combined the new version “C. Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (Feb 13, 2021 at 14:23)” with the previous version “C. Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 at 19:48)” for more complete extensive reviews;
2-18-2021 combined the new version “D. Blondie “The Tide is High” song discussions (Feb 13, 2021 at 14:23)” with the previous version “D. Blondie “The Tide is High” song discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48)”


2. Editor’s Comments – Blondie “The Tide is High” (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) webpage.
Published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 5-5-2015; 5-8-2015; 5-23-2015; 5-24-2015; 5-29-2015; 1-26-2016; 2-19-2016; 2-20-2016; 3-8-2016; 3-9-2016; 3-10-2016; 3-12-2016; 3-13-2016; 3-16-2016; 3-20-2016; 3-22-2016; 3-23-2016; 3-24-2016; 3-25-2016; 3-26-2016; 3-27-2016; 4-29-2016; 9-27-2016; 2-13-2021; 2-14-2021; 2-16-2021 thru 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021; 3-19-2021; 2-21-2022
May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 at Forum
2-13-2021 added the “Editor’s Comments” publication date of: (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) to title;
2-14-2021 added the publication date for the Forum webpage;
2-14-2021; 2-16-2021; 2-17-2021 changed text size to new WordPress Theme Hunk Top Store standards;
2-14-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021 reviewing, updating the webpage’s text and misc. change(s);
2-14-2021; 2-16-2021; 2-17-2021; 2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021; 3-19-2021; 2-21-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
2-17-2021; 2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 2-21-2022 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
2-18-2021; 2-19-2021 added the “Quick Editor’s Comments” and the “Transcribed song’s lyrics matching the accompanying music video (audio only);
2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 3-16-2021 continuing to use the extensive “Editor’s Comments” from (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) and updating as required;
3-19-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
3-19-2021 manual check of HTML programming codes
2-21-2021 revisions to the document’s text have started to improve this popular topic

3. Blondie “The Tide is High” song discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) at wpForo forum.
Published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 5-5-2015; 5-8-2015; 5-23-2015; 5-24-2015; 5-29-2015; 1-26-2016; 2-19-2016; 2-20-2016; 3-8-2016; 3-9-2016; 3-10-2016; 3-12-2016; 3-13-2016; 3-16-2016; 3-20-2016; 3-22-2016; 3-23-2016; 3-24-2016; 3-25-2016; 3-26-2016; 3-27-2016; 4-29-2016; 9-27-2016; 2-13-2021; 2-14-2021; 2-16-2021 thru 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021; 3-19-2021
May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 at Forum
2-13-2021 added the “Editor’s Comments” publication date of: (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) to title;
2-14-2021 added the publication date for the Forum webpage;
2-14-2021; 2-16-2021; 2-17-2021 changed text size to new WordPress Theme Hunk Top Store standards;
2-14-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021 reviewing, updating the webpage’s text and misc. change(s);
2-14-2021; 2-16-2021; 2-17-2021; 2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021; 3-19-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
2-17-2021; 2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
2-18-2021; 2-19-2021 added the “Quick Editor’s Comments” and the “Transcribed song’s lyrics matching the accompanying music video (audio only);
2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 3-16-2021 continuing to use the extensive “Editor’s Comments” from (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) and updating as required;
3-x-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
3-x-2021 manual check of HTML programming codes

Blondie “The Tide is High” Forum Discussions (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) at bbPress forum.
Published on: May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 5-5-2015; 5-8-2015; 5-23-2015; 5-24-2015; 5-29-2015; 1-26-2016; 2-19-2016; 2-20-2016; 3-8-2016; 3-9-2016; 3-10-2016; 3-12-2016; 3-13-2016; 3-16-2016; 3-20-2016; 3-22-2016; 3-23-2016; 3-24-2016; 3-25-2016; 3-26-2016; 3-27-2016; 4-29-2016; 9-27-2016; 2-13-2021; 2-14-2021; 2-16-2021 thru 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021; 3-19-2021
May 2, 2015 @ 19:48 at Forum
Revised: 3-20-2021
2-13-2021 added the “Editor’s Comments” publication date of: (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) to title;
2-14-2021 added the publication date for the Forum webpage;
2-14-2021; 2-16-2021; 2-17-2021 changed text size to new WordPress Theme Hunk Top Store standards;
2-14-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021; 3-20-2021 reviewing, updating the webpage’s text, spacing and misc. change(s);
2-14-2021; 2-16-2021; 2-17-2021; 2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021; 3-16-2021; 3-19-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
2-17-2021; 2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 2-21-2021; 2-23-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
2-18-2021; 2-19-2021 added the “Quick Editor’s Comments” and the “Transcribed song’s lyrics matching the accompanying music video (audio only);
2-18-2021; 2-19-2021; 3-16-2021 continuing to use the extensive “Editor’s Comments” from (May 2, 2015 @ 19:48) and updating as required;
3-x-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
3-x-2021 manual check of HTML programming codes

Video #10. Added a replacement “Blondie “X -Offender” song music video” with new source listed and enlarged the music video size to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-19-2020
* * *

Brenda Lee

1. Brenda Lee singing, performing “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” song’s music video.
Published on: Dec 12, 2020 at 17:34
Revised: 12-13-2020; 12-16-2020 ; 12-17-2020; 12-18-2020; 12-19-2020; 12-20-2020; 12-23-2020
12-12-2020 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
12-12-2020 used and installed a music video embed code which is the latest quality version;
12-13-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest code layout standards;
12-13-2020; 12-17-2020; 12-23-2020 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
12-13-2020; 12-17-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
12-13-2020; 12-17-2020; 12-23-2020 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
12-13-2020; 12-17-2020 manual check of HTML codes;
12-16-2020; 12-17-2020 transcribed the song’s lyrics to match music video used on this webpage;
12-17-2020 wrote the “Quick Editor’s Comments”;
12-18-2020 restored this website from Managed WP backup due to a possible recently installed faulty plug-in and reloading changed webpages from my files
12-18-2020; 12-19-2020; 12-20-2020; 12-23-2020 misc. minor text changes
12-23-2020 easy layout change

* * *


1. Europe “The Final Countdown” music video webpage.
Published on: Feb 26, 2021 at 18:24
Revised: 2-28-2021; 3-1-2021; 3-5-2021; 3-7-2021
2-28-2021 installed a music video embed codes that is the latest quality version;
2-28-2021 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
2-28-2021; 3-1-2021 installed Amazon Associates music advertisements embeds;
2-28-2021; 3-1-2021; 3-5-2021; 3-7-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
3-1-2021; 3-7-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
2-28-2021; 3-1-2021; 3-5-2021; 3-7-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
3-1-2021; 3-7-2021 manual check of HTML codes
3-1-2021; 3-5-2021 transcribed song’s lyrics;
3-1-2021; 3-7-2021 wrote “Quick Editor’s Comments”


2. Editor’s Comments – Europe “The Final Countdown”.
Published on: Mar 7, 2021 at 08:05 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 3-27-2021; 3-30-2021
Published on: Mar 7, 2021 at 18:46 at Forum

3. Europe “The Final Countdown” song discussions in wpForo forum.
Published on: Mar 7, 2021 at 08:05 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 3-27-2021; 3-30-2021
Published on: Mar 7, 2021 at 18:46 at Forum
* * *

Faith Hill

Added the “Faith Hill music videos” forum index in the wpForo forum
Revised: 1-8-2020


Video #1. Added the “Faith Hill “Breathe” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-8-2020

Video #2. Added the “Faith Hill “It Matters to Me” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-8-2020

Video #3. Added the “Faith Hill “Joy To The World” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-8-2020

Video #4. Added the “Faith Hill “Mississippi Girl” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020


Video #5. Added the “Faith Hill “O Come All Ye Faithful” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #6. Added the “Faith Hill “Piece Of My Heart” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #7. Added the “Faith Hill “Take Me As I Am” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #8. Added the “Faith Hill “The Way You Love Me” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #9. Added the “Faith Hill “There You’ll Be” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #10. Added the “Faith Hill “This Kiss” song discussions” topic in the Faith Hill music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020
Published on: Dec 25, 2015 @ 16:23
Revised: 1-3-2015; 1-6-2015; 1-18-2015; 2-5-2015; 2-7-2015; 2-9-2015; 2-13-2015; 2-14-2015; 4-29-2015; 2-21-2016; 4-27-2016; 4-29-2016; 5-3-2016; 5-4-2016; 5-25-2016; 6-3-2016; 6-4-2016; 6-6-2016; 8-29-2016; through 8-31-2016; 9-21-2016; 10-15-2016; 10-16-2016; 6-6-2017; 6-7-2017; 5-13-2018; 5-14-2018; 6-2-2018; 6-9-2018; 6-18-2018; 6-23-2018; 6-26-2018; 7-1-2018; 7-23-2018; 8-26-2019
* * *


1. Added a replacement new video from the for the “Foreigner singing “I Want to Know What Love is” song’s music video. Music video is from a new source. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels.
Revised: 7-22-2020
1a. Revised, updated the HTML programming to new standards.
Revised: 7-22-2020
1b. Checked the spelling and punctuation of the webpage’s text with Microsoft Word program.
Revised: 7-22-2020
1b. Updated, revised the Amazon Associates advertisements to latest available advertisements, replacing some advertisements links because they were “not active”.
Revised: 7-22-2020
Published on: Apr 30, 2016 @ 15:39
Revised: 5-29-2016; 5-30-2016; 7-25-2016; 7-26-2016; 4-19-2017, 4-20-2017, 4-21-2017; 7-22-2020

* * *

Hot Chocolate

1. Added a replacement new video from the for the “Hot Chocolate singing “Every 1’s a Winner” song’s music video. Music video is from a new source. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels.
1a. Revised, updated the HTML programming to new standards.
1b. Checked the spelling and punctuation of the webpage’s text with Microsoft Word program.
1c. Revised, updated the Amazon Associates affiliate advertisements.
Revised: 6-28-2020
Published on: Aug 17, 2016 @ 19:39
Revised: 8-18-2016; 9-23-2016; 1-17-2017; 1-20-2017; 1-21-2017; 6-28-2020

* * *

Joan Jett

1. Added the “Joan Jett music videos” forum index in the wpForo forum
Revised: 1-10-2020


Video #2. Added the “Joan Jett “Bad Reputation” song discussions” topic in the Joan Jett music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #3. Added the “Joan Jett and the Blackhearts “Crimson and Clover” song discussions” topic in the Joan Jett music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #8. Added the “Joan Jett “Joan Jett and the Blackhearts “Everybody Needs A Hero” song discussions” topic in the Joan Jett music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

Video #4. Added the “Joan Jett “Joan Jett “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll” song discussions” topic in the Joan Jett music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020
* * *

John Lennon & Yoko Ono

1. Added, revised, updated the John Lennon & Yoko Ono “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” song’s music video webpage. Music video is from a new source. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels.
Revised: 7-14-2020
1b. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 7-14-2020
Published on: Dec 5, 2017 @ 19:23
Revised: 7-14-2020

* * *

Kim Wilde

1. Kim Wilde singing, performing “Born to Be Wild” song’s music video.
1. Added, revised, updated the >Kim Wilde “Born to Be Wild” song’s music video webpage.
Published on: Dec 12, 2018 @ 14:40
Revised: 12-13-2018 thru 12-17-2018
1a.Added the “Kim Wilde music videos” forum index in the wpForo forum
Revised: 1-10-2020
1b. Added the “Kim Wilde “Born to Be Wild” song discussions” topic in the Kim Wilde music videos forum
Revised: 1-10-2020

* * *

Mel & Kim Wilde

1. Mel & Kim Wilde singing, performing “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” song’s music video.
Published on: Dec 19, 2020 at 17:10
Revised: 12-20-2020; 12-21-2020
12-19-2020 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
12-19-2020 used and installed a music video embed code which is the latest quality version;
12-19-2020; 12-21-2020 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
12-19-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
12-20-2020; 12-21-2020 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
12-20-2020 manual check of HTML codes;
12-19-2020; 12-20-2020; 12-21-2020 transcribed the song’s lyrics to match music video used on this webpage;
12-19-2020; 12-20-2020; 12-21-2020 wrote the “Quick Editor’s Comments”;
12-20-2020 updated Amazon Associates music advertisements

* * *

Norman Greenbaum

Norman Greenbaum singing “Spirit in the Sky” song
Published on: Feb 11, 2015 @ 17:10
Revised: 2-13-2015; 2-16-2015; 3-31-2015; 4-29-2015; 4-28-2016; 5-28-2016; 7-18-2016; 7-19-2016; 9-20-2016; 9-21-2016; 9-22-2016; 10-27-2016; 10-29-2016; 1-26-2017; 1-27-2017; 2-22-2017; 2-20-2018 thru 2-22-2018; 5-25-2018; 1-11-2022; 1-23-2022; 2-4-2022 thru 2-6-2022
1-11-2022; 1-23-2022 installed a replacement music video embed codes that are the latest quality version and is available;
1-11-2022; 1-23-2022 set the video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
1-11-2022; 1-23-2022; 2-4-2022 thru 2-6-2022 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft;
1-11-2022 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
1-11-202; 1-23-2022; 2-4-2022 thru 2-6-2022 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
1-11-2022; 2-6-2022 manual check of HTML codes;
2-4-2022 thru 2-6-2022 transcribed song’s lyrics to match the new replacement music video song’s lyrics
2-6-2022 misc. changes

* * *


Added the “Kiss music videos” forum index in the wpForo forum
Revised: 1-12-2020


Video #1. Added the “Kiss “Beth” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #2. Added the “Kiss “C’mon And Love Me” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #3. Added the “Kiss “Calling Dr. Love” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #4. Added the “Kiss “Forever” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #5. Added the “Kiss “God Gave Rock & Roll To You II” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #6. Added the “Kiss “I Just Wanna” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #7. Added the “Kiss “I Was Made For Lovin’ You” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #8. Added the “Kiss “Reason To Live” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #9. Added the “Kiss “Rock & Roll All Nite” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum

Video #10. Added the “Kiss “You Make Me Rock Hard” song discussions” topic in the Kiss music videos forum
Revised: 1-12-2020
* * *

Laura Branigan

1. Laura Branigan music videos
Added new URL link to the Forum – Laura Branigan “All Night With Me” song discussions” forum topic on the Laura Branigan music videos webpage;
1a. Enlarged all 10-music video’s size on the “Laura Branigan music videos” webpage to 810 x 360 pixels;
Revised: 1-17-2020
1b. Added the “Laura Branigan music videos” forum index in the wpForo forum;
Revised: 1-17-2020
1c. Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan music videos webpage. Music video has the latest quality values. Set the music video’s size to 810 x 360 pixels.
Revised: 8-7-2020; 8-9-2020
1d. Now with 11-Laura Branigan music videos on this webpage with 2-Laura Branigan “Self Control” song’s music videos.
Revised: 8-7-2020; 8-9-2020
1e. Updated, revised the Laura Branigan music video’s text with a Microsoft Word spelling check;
Revised: 8-7-2020; 8-9-2020
1f. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 8-7-2020; 8-9-2020
Published on: Dec 28, 2014 @ 18:55
Revised: 1-3-2015; 1-6-2015; 1-18-2015; 2-5-2015; 2-7-2015; 2-9-2015; 2-13-2015; 2-14-2015; 4-29-2015; 2-21-2016; 4-27-2016; 4-29-2016; 6-4-2016; 6-5-2016; 8-19-2016; 8-20-2016; 9-8-2016; 9-9-2016; 9-21-2016; 10-11-2016; 5-7-2017; 5-27-2017; 5-28-2017; 7-31-2017; 10-1-2018; 10-2-2018; 10-7-2018; 10-11-2018; 1-17-2020; 8-7-2020; 8-9-2020


2. Added new URL link to the Forum – Laura Branigan “All Night With Me” song discussions” forum topic on the Laura Branigan singing “All Night With Me” song webpage;
Enlarged the music video’s size on the Laura Branigan singing “All Night With Me” song webpage to 810 x 660 pixels; Replaced the music video embed code with the latest better quality version; Set the music video to 810 x 660 pixels;
Revised: 1-17-2020; 8-13-2020
2a. Added the “Laura Branigan “All Night With Me” song discussions” topic in the Laura Branigan music videos forum
Revised: 1-17-2020
2b. Updated, revised the Laura Branigan “All Night With Me” song’s music video’s text with a Microsoft Word spelling check;
Revised: 8-13-2020
2c. Updated, revised the Laura Branigan “All Night With Me” Quick Editor’s Comments; Ran a Microsoft Word spelling check.
Revised: 8-13-2020
2d. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 8-13-2020
2e. Updated, revised the Amazon Associates advertisements to latest available advertisements, replacing some advertisements links because they were “not active”.
Revised: 8-13-2020
Published on: Feb 5, 2015 @ 17:41
Revised: 2-7-2015; 2-13-2015; 2-16-2015; 2-17-2015; 3-31-2015; 4-29-2015; 2-21-2016; 4-27-2016; 5-2-2016; 6-5-2016; 8-19-2016; 9-8-2016; 9-10-2016; 10-11-2016; 5-11-2017; 5-12-2017; 5-27-2017; 8-1-2017; 10-1-2018; 10-9-2018 thru 10-11-2018; 1-17-2020; 8-13-2020

3. Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan “Self Control” song’s music video webpage. Music video is from a new source with the original spooky music video theme. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels.
Revised: 7-26-2020; 8-1-2020
3a. Added, revised, updated the Final Transcribed song’s lyrics matching the Laura Branigan “Self Control” song’s music video. These Final Transcribed song’s lyrics are in the extended carry voice technique version versus the simple text version.
Revised: 7-29-2020; 8-1-2020
3b. Updated, revised the Laura Branigan “Self Control” Quick Editor’s Comments.
Revised: 8-1-2020
3c. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 7-29-2020; 8-1-2020; 8-3-2020; 8-4-2020
3d. Updated, revised the Amazon Associates advertisements to latest available advertisements, replacing some advertisements links because they were “not active”.
Revised: 8-1-2020
3e. Added, updated, revised the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” URL link.
3f. Updated, revised the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control”–Old version 10-7-2018 URL link.
Revised: 8-3-2020; 8-4-2020
3g. Added, updated, revised the wpForo forum Laura Branigan “Self Control” song discussions URL link.
3h. Updated, revised the BB Press forum Laura Branigan “Self Control” Forum Discussions – Old 10-7-2018 version URL link.
Revised: 8-3-2020; 8-4-2020
Published on: Sep 8, 2016 @ 00:56
Revised: 5-17-2017; 5-18-2017; 8-4-2017; 8-5-2017; 10-3-2018; 10-5-2018 thru 10-7-2018; 7-26-2020; 7-29-2020; 8-1-2020; 8-3-2020; 8-4-2020

3-1. Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” webpage. Added a new Laura Branigan “Self Control” Music video from a new source with the original spooky music video theme. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels in the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” webpage.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020
3-1a. Added the new Final Transcribed song’s lyrics matching the Laura Branigan “Self Control” song’s music video.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020
3-1b. Added the Laura Branigan “Self Control” Quick Editor’s Comments.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020
3-1c. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020
3-1d. Added, revised, updated the “Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” webpage adding the replacement new webpage URL link to the new replacement Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” song’s webpage link in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” webpage in the “A-B Index” webpage; and in the “Editor’s Comments Index” webpage.
Revised: 8-4-2020
Published on: Oct 7, 2018 @ 04:31 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020; 8-5-2020
Published on: October 7, 2018 at 8:57 am at Forum
Revised at wpForo forum only: 8-5-2020
Changed the music video link and Amazon Associates advertisements to wpForo forum code standards.

3-2. Updated, revised the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” – Old version 10-7-2018 webpage. Added a new Laura Branigan “Self Control” Music video from a new source. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels in the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” – Old version 10-7-2018 webpage.
Revised: 8-4-2020
3-2a. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 8-4-2020
3-2b. Revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” – Old version 10-7-2018 webpage adding the replacement new webpage URL link to the new replacement “Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” – Old version 10-7-2018” song’s webpage link in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” webpage in the “A-B Index” webpage; and in the “Editor’s Comments Index” webpage.
Revised: 8-4-2020
3-2c. Revised the “Discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “Self Control” song and the use of extended carrying tempo with the singing of a song’s lyrics word in the music video with latest version.
Revised: 8-4-2020
Published on: Oct 7, 2018 @ 04:31 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 8-4-2020
Added matching music video;
Revised the “Discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “Self Control” song and the use of extended carrying tempo with the singing of a song’s lyrics word in the music video” with latest version
Published on: October 7, 2018 at 8:57 am at Forum

3-3. Added, revised, updated the wpForo Forum’s Laura Branigan “Self Control” song discussions webpage. Added a new Laura Branigan “Self Control” Music video from a new source with the original spooky music video theme. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels in the “wpForo Forum’s Laura Branigan “Self Control” song discussions webpage.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020; 8-5-2020
3-3a. Added the new Final Transcribed song’s lyrics matching the Laura Branigan “Self Control” song’s music video.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020
3-3b. Added the Laura Branigan “Self Control” Quick Editor’s Comments.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020
3-3c. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020; 8-5-2020
3-3d. Added, revised, updated the “wpForo Forum’s Laura Branigan “Self Control” song discussions” webpage adding the replacement new webpage URL link to the new replacement “wpForo Forum’s Laura Branigan “Self Control” song discussions” webpage link in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” webpage in the “A-B Index” webpage; and in the “Editor’s Comments Index” webpage.
Revised: 8-4-2020
Published on: Oct 7, 2018 @ 04:31 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 8-2-2020; 8-3-2020
Published on: October 7, 2018 at 8:57 am at Forum
Revised at wpForo forum only: 8-5-2020
Changed the music video link and Amazon Associates advertisements to wpForo forum code standards.

3-4. Updated, revised the “BB Press forum’s Laura Branigan “Self Control” Forum Discussions” – Old version 10-7-2018 webpage. Added a new Laura Branigan “Self Control” Music video from a new source. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels in the “Laura Branigan “Self Control” Forum Discussions” – Old version 10-7-2018 webpage.
Revised: 8-4-2020
3-4a. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 8-4-2020
3-4b. Revised, updated the “BB Press forum’s Laura Branigan “Self Control” Forum Discussions” – Old version 10-7-2018 webpage adding the replacement new webpage URL link to the new replacement “BB Press forum’s Laura Branigan “Self Control” Forum Discussions” – Old version 10-7-2018 webpage link in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” webpage in the “A-B Index” webpage; and in the “Editor’s Comments Index” webpage.
Revised: 8-4-2020
3-4c. Revised the “Discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “Self Control” song and the use of extended carrying tempo with the singing of a song’s lyrics word in the music video with latest version.
Revised: 8-4-2020
Published on: Oct 7, 2018 @ 04:31 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 8-4-2020
Added matching music video;
Revised the “Discussions of Laura Branigan singing, performing “Self Control” song and the use of extended carrying tempo with the singing of a song’s lyrics word in the music video” with latest version
Published on: October 7, 2018 at 8:57 am at Forum
* * *

Lian Ross

1. Lian Ross singing “Say You’ll Never” song music video webpage.
Published on: Aug 5, 2020 at 23:15
Revised: 8-9-2020; 8-11-2020; 8-15-2020; 8-17-2020; 8-18-2020; 8-20-2020; 2-24-2021; 2-28-2021
2-28-2021 added, revised the Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” song’s music video webpage. Music video is from a new source. Set the music video size to 100% x 660 pixels.
2-24-2021; 2-28-2021 revised “Quick Editor’s Comments” #2;
2-24-2021 updated HTML code(s);
2-24-2021; 2-28-2021 misc. change(s);
2-24-2021; 2-28-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
2-24-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
2-24-2021; 2-28-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
2-28-2021 manual check of HTML codes
1a. Added, revised, updated the Final Transcribed song’s lyrics matching the Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” song’s music video. These Final Transcribed song’s lyrics are in the extended carry voice technique version versus the simple text version.
Revised: 8-9-2020; 8-11-2020; 8-15-2020; 8-17-2020; 8-18-2020
1b. Updated, revised the Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Quick Editor’s Comments.
Revised: 8-11-2020; 8-15-2020; 8-17-2020; 8-18-2020
1c. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 8-11-2020; 8-15-2020; 8-17-2020; 8-18-2020
1d. Updated, revised the Amazon Associates advertisements to latest available advertisements.
Revised: 8-9-2020; 8-11-2020; 8-15-2020
1e. Revised, updated the Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” song’s music video webpage adding the new webpage URL link in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” webpage in the “A-B Index” webpage; and in the “Editor’s Comments Index” webpage.
Revised: 8-9-2020; 8-11-2020; 8-18-2020
1f. Added, revised, updated the “Editor’s Comments – Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” webpage URL link to the
Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” song’s music video webpage.
Revised: 8-20-2020
1g. Added, revised, updated the “Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Forum Discussions” webpage URL link to the
Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” song’s music video webpage.
Revised: 8-20-2020


2. Editor’s Comments – Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never”.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 2-28-2021; 3-27-2021; 3-30-2021
Was: Published on: Aug 19, 2020 at 09:53
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Forum
1-2a. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
1-2b. Revised, updated the “Editor’s Comments – Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” webpage adding a new webpage URL link to the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” webpage in the “A-B Index” webpage; and in the “Editor’s Comments Index” webpage.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
1-2c. Revised, updated the “Discussions of Lian Ross singing, performing “Say You’ll Never” song and the use of extended carrying tempo with the singing of a song’s lyrics word in the music video with latest version.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments

3. Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Forum Discussions at bbPress forum.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 2-28-2021; 3-27-2021; 3-30-2021
Was: Published on: Aug 19, 2020 at 09:53
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Forum
3-2. Updated, revised the “Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Forum Discussions” webpage.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
3-2a. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
3-2b. Revised, updated the “Lian Ross “Say You’ll Never” Forum Discussions” webpage adding a new webpage URL link to the “Music Videos Menu” webpage; in the “Index of Music Videos” webpage in the “A-B Index” webpage; and in the “Editor’s Comments Index” webpage.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
3-2c. Revised, updated the “Discussions of Lian Ross singing, performing “Say You’ll Never” song and the use of extended carrying tempo with the singing of a song’s lyrics word in the music video with latest version.
Published on: Aug 20, 2020 at 01:38 at Editor’s Comments
* * *

Mariah Carey

A1. Mariah Carey singing, performing “Silent Night” song’s music video.
Published on: Dec 10, 2017 @ 23:16
Revised: 12-11-2017; 12-12-2017; 9-21-2018; 9-26-2018; 9-27-2018; 9-28-2018; 8-24-2020; 8-30-2020; 9-15-2020; 10-3-2020; 11-13-2020; 11-14-2020
8-24-2020 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
8-30-2020 replaced the music video embed code with the latest quality version;
8-30-2020 replaced the Amazon Associates advertisements that were outdated;
8-30-2020; 9-15-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest code layout standards;
8-30-2020; 11-13-2020 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
10-3-2020; 11-13-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
11-13-2020 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
11-13-2020 manual check of HTML codes;
11-14-2020 misc. changes

* * *

Mel & Kim Wilde

1. Mel & Kim Wilde singing, performing “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” song’s music video.
Published on: Dec 19, 2020 at 17:10
Revised: 12-20-2020; 12-21-2020
12-19-2020 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
12-19-2020 used and installed a music video embed code which is the latest quality version;
12-19-2020; 12-21-2020 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
12-19-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
12-20-2020; 12-21-2020 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
12-20-2020 manual check of HTML codes;
12-19-2020; 12-20-2020; 12-21-2020 transcribed the song’s lyrics to match music video used on this webpage;
12-19-2020; 12-20-2020; 12-21-2020 wrote the “Quick Editor’s Comments”;
12-20-2020 updated Amazon Associates music advertisements

* * *

Peggy March

1. Added the latest video code embed as a replacement for the “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song’s music video webpage;
Revised: 2-4-2020
1a. Reviewed the latest video source text listings;
Revised: 2-4-2020
1b. Enlarged the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels on the “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song’s webpage;
Revised: 2-4-2020
1c. Added, revised, updated the text to as follows in the: “D. Forum – Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song discussions; transcribed lyrics of music video, reviews, etc. Editor, David E Ros has posted reviews, comments, etc. in the forum”;
Revised: 2-4-2020
1d. Added, revised, updated the “D. Forum – Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song discussions; transcribed lyrics of music video, reviews, etc. Editor, David E Ros has posted reviews, comments, etc. in the forum” topic’s URL link to the “the “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song discussions” topic’s URL link in in the Peggy March music videos wpForo forum”;
Revised: 2-4-2020
1e. Checked programming codes on the “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song” music video webpage;
Revised: 2-6-2020
1f. Added, revised, updated the text, the song’s transcribed lyrics with a few new commas, a punctuation mark;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
1g. Added, revised, updated the text, the song’s transcribed lyrics with the removal of a few commas, a punctuation mark after “etc.”;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
1h. Added, revised, updated the text in “Quick Editor’s Comments” in the “Section 3.” area in the last paragraph;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
1i. Added, revised, updated the text in the “Peggy March singing “I Will Follow Him” song” “Greetings & Welcome World-Wide Music Listeners and Lovers, etc.,” Section of this webpage in the “After the published music video is area “B.” with the removal of the semicolon, a punctuation mark;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
Published on: Nov 21, 2018 @ 14:52
Revised: 11-22-2018; 11-23-2018; 11-24-2018; 7-11-2019; 2-4-2020; 2-13-2020


2. Added, revised, updated the top of webpage’s title area to the posted title in the “Editor’s Comments – “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” webpage”;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
2a. Added, revised, updated the top of webpage title area in the posted title’s third line of text with the addition of the word “companion”;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
2b. Added, revised, updated the text, the song’s transcribed lyrics with a few new commas, a punctuation mark;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
2c. Added, revised, updated the text, the song’s transcribed lyrics with the removal of a few commas, a punctuation mark after “etc.”;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
2d. Added, revised, updated the text in “Quick Editor’s Comments” in the “Section 3.” area in the last paragraph;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
Published on: Nov 24, 2018 @ 07:15 at Editor’s Comments
Published on: November 24, 2018 at 9:58 am at Forum
Revised: 2-12-2020; 2-13-2020

3. Added the “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song discussions” topic in the Peggy March music videos wpForo forum;
Revised: 2-4-2020
3a. Added the “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song discussions” topic’s URL links in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage and in the “Index of Music Videos” in the “A-B Index” webpage;
3b. Added, revised, updated the top of webpage’s title area to the posted title in the “Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” song discussions” webpage”;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
3c. Added, revised, updated the top of webpage title area in the posted title’s third line of text with the addition of the word “companion”;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
3d. Added, revised, updated the text, the song’s transcribed lyrics with a few new commas, a punctuation mark;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
3e. Added, revised, updated the text, the song’s transcribed lyrics with the removal of a few commas, a punctuation mark after “etc.”;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
3f. Added, revised, updated the text in “Quick Editor’s Comments” in the “Section 3.” area in the last paragraph;
Revised: 2-13-2020; 2-12-2020
Published on: Nov 24, 2018 @ 07:15 at Editor’s Comments
Published on: November 24, 2018 at 9:58 am at Forum
Revised: 2-12-2020; 2-13-2020
* * *


1. Roxette “The Look” music video webpage.
Published on: Jan 30, 2021 at 22:30
Revised: 1-31-2021; 2-1-2021; 2-4-2021 thru 2-8-2021; 2-11-2021; 2-12-2021; 3-9-2021
1-31-2021 installed a new replacement music video embed codes that is the latest quality version;
1-31-2021 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
1-31-2021 installed Amazon Associates music advertisements embeds;
1-31-2021; 2-2-2021; 2-4-2021; 2-6-2021; 2-7-2021; 2-11-2021; 3-9-2021 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
1-31-2021 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
1-31-2021; 2-1-2021; 2-4-2021; 2-6-2021; 2-7-2021; 2-11-2021; 3-9-2021 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
2-1-2021; 2-4-2021; 2-7-2021; 2-11-2021; 3-9-2021 manual check of HTML codes;
2-7-2021; 2-11-2021 updated HTML codes;
2-1-2021; 2-4-2021 transcribed the song’s lyrics to match music video used on this webpage;
2-1-2021; 2-4-2021; 2-11-2021; 3-9-2021 wrote the “Quick Editor’s Comments”;
2-5-2021 highlighted webpage’s title in Pink;
2-6-2021; 2-7-2021; 2-11-2021 misc. text change(s);
2-6-2021 connected URL links to “Editor’s Comments” and “Forum song discussions” on “Roxette “The Look”
2-6-2021 added Roxette “The Look” song link to “Music Videos Menu”;
2-6-2021 added Roxette “The Look” song link to “Editor’s Comments Index”;
2-6-2021 added Roxette “The Look” song link in the “Index of Music Videos” to the “Q, R Index”;
2-7-2021 added new “Quick Editor’s Comments” text in sections numbered “2.” and “4.”;
2-8-2021; 2-11-2021; 3-9-2021 misc. change(s)


2. Editor’s Comments – Roxette “The Look” webpage.
Published on: Feb 6, 2021 at 19:52 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 2-7-2021; 2-8-2021; 2-12-2021; 3-9-2021; 3-27-2021
Published on: Published on: Feb 6, 2021 at 20:53 at Forum

3. Roxette “The Look” song discussions at wpForo forum.
Published on: Feb 6, 2021 at 19:52 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 2-7-2021; 2-8-2021; 2-12-2021; 3-9-2021; 3-27-2021
Published on: Published on: Feb 6, 2021 at 20:53 at Forum
* * *

Sabrina Salerno

A1. Sabrina Salerno singing, performing “Boys, Boys, Boys” song’s music video
Published on: May 8, 2018 at 14:31
Revised: 5-9-2018; 7-13-2018; 11-10-2020; 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020; 11-13-2020
11-10-2020 added a new replacement music video from a another source
11-10-2020 set the Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys” video’s size and map’s sizes to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
11-10-2020; 11-13-2020 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
11-10-2020; 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020; 11-13-2020 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
11-10-2020; 11-13-2020 manual check of HTML codes;
11-10-2020; 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020; 11-13-2020 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
11-10-2020; 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020; 11-13-2020 transcribed the song’s lyrics again because of the insertion and usage of a new music video;
11-10-2020; 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020 elaborated new thoughts in the “Quick Editor’s Comments” sections
11-12-2020; 11-13-2020 misc. changes;


A2. Editor’s Comments – Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys”
Published on: Jul 13, 2018 @ 12:34 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020; 11-13-2020
Published on: July 13, 2018 at 1:14 pm at Forum

A3. Sabrina Salerno “Boys, Boys, Boys” song discussions
Published on: Jul 13, 2018 @ 12:34 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 11-11-2020; 11-12-2020; 11-13-2020
Published on: July 13, 2018 at 1:14 pm at Forum
* * *

Soraya Arnelas

1. Added, revised, updated the Soraya Arnelas “Bolero” song’s music video webpage. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels.
1a. Transcribed the Soraya Arnelas “Bolero” song’s lyrics in the extended carry voice technique version versus the simple text version.
1a-1. Added the *-[Chorus 1:]-* heading to the chorus locations in the transcribed with the extended carry voice technique.
Revised: 7-24-2020
1b. Completed the Soraya Arnelas “Bolero” Quick Editor’s Comments.
1b-1. Revised, updated the Soraya Arnelas “Bolero” Quick Editor’s Comments.
Revised: 7-5-2020; 7-24-2020
1c. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
1d. Added the Soraya Arnelas “Bolero” webpage’s URL links in the “Music Videos Menu” webpage and in the “Index of Music Videos” in the “A-B Index” webpage;
Revised: 6-18-2020
Published on: Jun 23, 2019 @ 14:30
Revised: 6-23-2019; 6-26-2019; 6-30-2019; 6-16-2020 thru 6-18-2020; 7-5-2020; 7-24-2020

* * *


1. Added, revised, updated the Taco “Puttin’ On The Ritz” song’s music video webpage. Music video is from a new source. Set the music video size to 810 x 660 pixels.
Revised: 7-20-2020; 7-21-2020
1b. Revised, updated HTML programming to the latest standards.
Revised: 7-20-2020; 7-21-2020
Published on: Apr 7, 2018 @ 18:57
Revised: 4-8-2018; 4-20-2018; 7-20-2020; 7-21-2020

* * *

Tanya Tucker

Published on: Feb 21, 2022 at 18:18
Revised: 2-22-2022; 2-23-2022; 2-24-2022; 2-26-2022; 2-27-2022; 3-2-2022
2-21-2022 installed a new music video embed codes that is the latest quality version for the Tanya Tucker – Delta Dawn song’s video;
2-21-2022 set the music video to: width=”100%” height=”660″;
2-22-2022; 2-23-2022; 2-24-2022; 2-26-2022; 2-27-2022; 3-2-2022 checked the spelling and revised the webpage’s text if required with the Microsoft Word program;
2-24-2022 checked, revised the HTML codes to comply to the latest W3Schools code layout standards;
2-22-2021; 2-23-2022; 2-24-2022; 2-26-2002; 2-27-2022; 3-2-2022 checked, ran HTML code Validator and HTML code image viewer of my HTML from: Results: passed, O.K.;
2-24-2022; 2-26-2022 manual check of HTML codes;
2-22-2022; 2-23-2022; 2-24-2022 transcribed song’s lyrics
2-26-2022; 3-2-2022 replaced defunct Amazon Widget Ads with new Amazon Native Ads
2-26-2022; 2-27-2022 adding Quick Editor’s Comments
2-27-2022 misc. changes

* * * * *

Added the wpForo forum plugin.

Revised: 1-8-2020

Added the wpForo embeds plugin on the wpForo forum.

Revised: 1-12-2020
Added the “Main Forum” index in the wpForo forum
Revised: 1-8-2020
Added the “wpForo Navigation” widget on the right side of each webpage.
Revised: 1-30-2020
1. Added the “Contact David for Forum Issues” topic in the wpForo Main Forum index
Revised: 1-8-2020
2. Added the “Forum Administration & Rules” topic in the wpForo Main Forum index
Revised: 1-8-2020

* * * * *

Reinstalled the “Pleasure-House webpages” widget on the right side of each webpage.
Revised: 1-30-2020

* * * * *

Added the “More Websites from David” widget on the right side of each webpage.
Revised: 1-30-2020

* * * * *

Registered Users at some of my websites website

1. Using the wpForo count there are 3,750 Registered Users | Administrator (1) | Active Subscriber (2,380) | Inactive (1374) | Banned (6) on my website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-6-2020; 8-21-2020.
1-2. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitors Page Views Counter” is listing 699,756 Visitors Page Views since 2014.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 8-21-2020.

* website

2. Using the wpForo count there are 5,189 Registered Users | Administrator (1) | Active Subscriber (5,188) on my website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020.
2-1. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitors Page Views Counter” is listing 591,494 Visitors Page Views since 2009.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 8-21-2020.

* website

3. There are 1,564 Registered Users | Administrator (1) | Active Subscriber (1,563) on my website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 8-21-2020.
3-1. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitors Page Views Counter” is listing 133,419 Visitors Page Views since 2009.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 8-21-2020.

* website

4. There is 1-Registered User | Administrator (1) on my website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 8-21-2020.

* website

5. There is Registered Users 6 | Administrator (1) | Active Subscriber (5) on my website.
5-1. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitors Page Views Counter” is listing 29,890 Visitors Page Views since 2009.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 8-21-2020.

* *

An exact visitor’s count or a visitor’s page views count is difficult to obtain because each visitor’s counter only lists a few website hosting server’s visitor’s numbers while there are many website hosting servers.
Revised: 1-20-2019; 1-27-2019; 1-29-2019; 1-30-2019; 1-31-2019; 2-2-2019; 2-3-2019; 2-6-2019; 2-8-2019; 2-20-2019; 2-23-2019; 3-13-2019; 5-31-2019; 6-19-2019; 7-18-2019; 8-18-2019; 8-28-2019; 9-22-2019; 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 8-21-2020.

* * * * *

WinRAR product descriptions webpage on

Updated, reviewed, revised WinRAR product descriptions webpage’s text, WinRAR advertisements, WinRAR URL links and advertisement image embeds on this website including the Footer area.
Published on: Feb 2, 2019 @ 20:36
Revised: 6-1-2019; 4-21-2020; 4-22-2020; 4-26-2020


Revo Uninstaller product descriptions webpage on

Updated, reviewed, revised Revo Uninstaller product descriptions webpage’s text and the Revo Uninstaller URL links on this website including the Footer area.
Published on: May 14, 2020 at 20:30


Amazon Associates Program & Affiliate Ads topic webpage on

Updated, reviewed, revised Amazon Associates Program & Affiliate Ads topic webpage’s text on this website.
Added Amazon Prime shipping, Music, Cloud image storage and more service’s benefits information URL link.
Revised: 5-23-2020
Published on: May 14, 2020 at 20:18
Revised: 5-23-2020

* * * * *

Registered Users at some of my websites website

1-1. There are Registered Users, wpForo count: All (2056) | Active (1462) | Inactive (588) | Banned (6) on website;
1-1 a. WordPress count: Registered Users All (1,746) | Administrator (1) | Subscriber (1,743) | Keymaster (1) | Participant (648) on website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-6-2020; 1-30-2020; 2-6-2020; 5-15-2020.
1-2. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitors Page Views Counter” is listing 517,990 Visitors Page Views since 2014.
Was: On 2-6-2020 the “Visitors Page Views Counter” was listing 349,413 Visitors Page Views since 2014.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-30-2020; 2-6-2020; 5-15-2020.


2-1. There are Registered Users All (4,984) | Administrator (1) | Subscriber (4,983) on website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-30-2020; 1-30-2020; 5-15-2020.
2-2. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitors Page Views Counter” is listing 539,862 Visitors Page Views since 2009.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-30-2020; 5-15-2020.

3-1. There are Registered Users All (1,933) | Administrator (1) | Subscriber (1,932) on website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-30-2020; 5-15-2020.
3-2. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitors Page Views Counter” is listing 119,518 Visitors Page Views since 2009.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-30-2020; 5-15-2020.

4-1. There are Registered Users All (3) | Administrator (1) | Subscriber (2) on website.
Revised: 5-15-2020.
4-2. *-*-*-*-* The “Visitor counter – ADS-WpSiteCount” is listing 8,943 Visitors Page Views since 1-25-2020.
Revised: 5-15-2020.

5-1. There is 1-Registered Users, WordPress count: All (1) | Administrator (1) on website.
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-30-2020, 5-15-2020.

An exact visitor’s count or a visitor’s page views count is difficult to obtain because each visitor’s counter only lists a few website hosting server’s visitor numbers while there are many website hosting servers.
* *

Revised: 1-20-2019; 1-27-2019; 1-29-2019; 1-30-2019; 1-31-2019; 2-2-2019; 2-3-2019; 2-6-2019; 2-8-2019; 2-20-2019; 2-23-2019; 3-13-2019; 5-31-2019; 6-19-2019; 7-18-2019; 8-18-2019; 8-28-2019; 9-22-2019; 12-30-2019; 1-2-2020; 1-30-2020, 5-15-2020.
* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the David, Webmaster & this Website webpage.

Separated the What’s new on webpage into two webpages named: P. 1 of 2 and P. 2 of 2.
Revised: 1-7-2020.
1. Added, revised, updated the What’s new on P. 1 of 2 webpage.
Revised: 1-7-2020.
2. Added, revised, updated the What’s new on P. 2 of 2 webpage.
Revised: 1-7-2020.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Kim Wilde singing “Born to Be Wild” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Kim Wilde “Born to Be Wild” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Kim Wilde “Born to Be Wild” Forum Discussions webpage.
Revised: 12-12-2018 thru 12-17-2018;
Replaced old Forum & WordPress files with new Forum & WordPress files, 2-new forum replacement files.
Revised: 1-5-2020, 1-6-2020; 1-8-2020.

“Born to Be Wild” song’s lyrics are transcribed (1).
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions for “Born to Be Wild” completed on: 12-13-2018; 12-14-2018. (1)

The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments “Born to Be Wild” completed on: 12-12-2018 thru 12-17-2018. (1)

Revised: 12-12-2018 thru 12-17-2018; 1-5-2020; 1-6-2020; 1-8-2020.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Dave Clark Five music videos webpage;

Presently 10-music video songs on the above listed webpage.
Revised: 1-3-2020

1. Added, revised, updated the Dave Clark Five singing “Anyway You Want It” song webpage;

2. Added, revised, updated the Dave Clark Five singing “Because” song webpage;

3. Added, revised, updated the Dave Clark Five singing “Bits and Pieces” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Dave Clark Five “Bits and Pieces” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Dave Clark Five “Bits and Pieces” Forum Discussions webpage;
Replaced old Forum & WordPress files with new Forum & WordPress files, 2-new forum replacement files.
Revised: 1-3-2020; 1-7-2020.

4. Added, revised, updated the Dave Clark Five singing “Can’t You See That She’s Mine?” song webpage;

5. Added, revised, updated the Dave Clark Five singing “Do You Love Me” song webpage.

The above listed 5-song’s lyrics are transcribed. (5)
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions for “Bits and Pieces” completed on: 8-28-2018; 9-12-2018. (1)

The above listed songs will have Quick Editor’s Comments on song’s music video webpage.
The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments for “Bits and Pieces” completed on: 8-28-2018. (1)

Revised: 8-13-2016; 8-29-2016; 9-10-2016; 9-21-2016; 9-23-2016; 9-24-2016; 2-11-2017 through 2-13-2017; 12-26-2017 thru 12-29-2017; 1-10-2018; 8-27-2018 thru 8-29-2018; 9-12-2018; 1-3-2020; 1-7-2020.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett music videos webpage;

Presently 10-music video songs on the above listed webpage.
Revised: 10-12-2018; 10-13-2018; 10-18-2018; 10-22-2018; 10-31-2018.

1. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett and the Blackhearts singing “Any Weather” song webpage;
Added: 10-12-2018 thru 10-14-2018; 10-22-2018.

2. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett singing “Bad Reputation” song webpage;
Revised: 10-12-2018; 10-15-2018 thru 10-19-2018.
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Joan Jett “Bad Reputation” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett “Bad Reputation” Forum Discussions webpage;
Replaced old Forum & WordPress files with new Forum & WordPress files.
Revised 1-6-2020

3. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett and the Blackhearts singing “Crimson and Clover” song webpage;
Revised: 10-20-2018 thru 10-22-2018.
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Joan Jett and the Blackhearts “Crimson and Clover” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett and the Blackhearts “Crimson and Clover” Forum Discussions webpage;
Replaced old Forum & WordPress files with new Forum & WordPress files.
Revised 1-6-2020

4. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett singing “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” song webpage;

5. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett singing “Do You Wanna Touch Me” song webpage;

6. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett singing “Everybody Needs A Hero” song webpage;
Published on: Oct 27, 2018 @ 08:04
Added: 10-27-2018 thru 10-29-2018; 10-31-2018; 11-21-2018.
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Joan Jett “Everybody Needs A Hero” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett “Everybody Needs A Hero” Forum Discussions webpage;

x. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett and the Blackhearts singing “Everyday People” song webpage;
Removed: 10-12-2018; 10-27-2018

7. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett and the Blackhearts singing “I Hate Myself for Loving You” song webpage;

8. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett & The Blackhearts singing “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Joan Jett “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll” Forum Discussions webpage;

9. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett and the Blackhearts singing “Little Liar” song webpage;

10. Added, revised, updated the Joan Jett singing “Love Hurts” song webpage.

The above listed song’s lyrics are transcribed (10).
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions for “Any Weather”; “Bad Reputation”; “Crimson and Clover” and “Everybody Needs A Hero” completed on: 10-12-2018 thru 10-16-2018; 10-21-2018; 10-27-2018; 10-28-2018. (4)

The above listed songs will have Quick Editor’s Comments on each song’s music video webpage. (3)
The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments “Bad Reputation”; “Crimson and Clover” and “Everybody Needs A Hero” completed on: 10-15-2018 thru 10-19-2018; 10-21-2018; 10-22-2018; 10-27-2018 thru 10-31-2018; 11-21-2018; 12-2-2108. (3)

Revised: 3-15-2015; 3-16-2016; 5-28-2015; 5-29-2016; 5-30-2016; 6-22-2016; 6-23-2016; 8-26-2016; 8-27-2016; 9-21-2016; 10-5-2016; 7-3-2017 thru 7-12-2017; 10-12-2018 thru 10-22-2018; 10-26-2018; 10-27-2018 thru 10-31-2018; 11-21-2018; 11-23-2018; 12-2-2018; 1-6-2020.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Berlin singing “Take My Breath Away” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Berlin “Take My Breath Away” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Berlin “Take My Breath Away” Forum Discussions webpage.
Replaced old Forum & WordPress files with new Forum & WordPress files.
Revised: 1-5-2020.

“Take My Breath Away” song’s lyrics are transcribed (1).
The new updated song’s lyrics transcription for “Take My Breath Away” completed on: 6-10-2018; 9-5-2018. (1)

The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments for “Take My Breath Away” completed on: 6-10-2018 thru 6-12-2018; 9-5-2018. (1)

Revised: 6-10-2018 thru 6-12-2018; 6-15-2018; 6-16-2018; 9-5-2018; 9-6-2018; 9-10-2018; 11-29-2018; 1-5-2020.

* * * * *

Forum Administration & Rules

1. Added, revised, updated the “Forum Administration & Rules” webpage in the Forum.
Published on: Jan 4, 2015 @ 17:34
Revised: 12-30-2019; 1-1-2020; 1-2-2020.
Replaced old Forum & WordPress files with new Forum & WordPress files.
Revised: 1-1-2020; 1-2-2020.

* * * * *

Contact David for Forum Issues in this topic

1. Added, revised, updated the “Contact David for Forum Issues in this topic” webpage in the Forum.
Published on: Apr 17, 2018 at 08:46
Revised: 1-1-2020; 1-2-2020; 1-5-2020.
Replaced old Forum & WordPress files with new Forum & WordPress files.
Revised: 1-5-2020.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar music videos webpage;

Presently 10-music video songs on the above listed webpage.

1. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “Fire And Ice” song webpage;

2. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “Heartbreaker” song webpage;

3. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “I Need A Lover” song webpage;

4. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “Invincible” song webpage;
Added additional Quick Editor’s Comments, corrected a typo error in the song’s lyrics transcription, checked, updated HTML codes.
Revised: 9-21-2019

5. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “Little Too Late” song webpage;

6. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “Love Is A Battlefield” song webpage;

7. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “Promises In The Dark” song webpage;

8. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “We Belong” song webpage;

9. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “We Live For Love” song webpage;

10. Added, revised, updated the Pat Benatar singing “You Better Run” song webpage.

*”Fire And Ice”; “Heartbreaker”; “Invincible”; “We Live For Love” and “You Better Run” song’s lyrics are transcribed (5).
Revised: 12-29-2016; 11-18-2017; 11-19-2017; 11-21-2017 thru 11-24-2017; 9-21-2019.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments Index webpage.

Replaced the “Faith Hill “Joy to the World” Forum Discussions” URL link to correct Database issues from an automated Database correction. 8-28-2019
Revised: 2-3-2018; 4-11-2018; 4-12-2018; 4-14-2018; 4-17-2018; 4-20-2018; 4-23-2018; 4-27-2018; 5-5-2018; 5-9-2018; 5-11-2018 thru 5-14-2018; 5-17-2018; 6-2-2018; 6-9-2018; 6-12-2018; 6-15-2018; 6-18-2018; 6-21-2018 thru 6-23-2018; 6-25-2018; 6-26-2018; 7-1-2018; 7-5-2018; 7-13-2018; 7-15-2018; 7-18-2018; 7-22-2018; 7-26-2018; 7-27-2018; 8-2-2018; 8-18-2018; 8-20-2018; 8-22-2018; 8-26-2018; 8-28-2018; 9-6-2018; 9-10-2018; 9-12-2018; 9-14-2018; 9-15-2018; 9-18-2018; 9-19-2018; 9-22-2018; 9-24-2018; 9-27-2018; 9-28-2018; 10-1-2018; 10-6-2018; 10-7-2018; 10-10-2018; 10-17-2018; 10-21-2018; 10-22-2018; 10-29-2018; 11-15-2018; 11-16-2018; 11-23-2018; 11-24-2018; 12-15-2018; 12-16-2018; 12-20-2018; 12-21-2018; 8-28-2019.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Top Menu with Green Tabs listing to streamline the website’s layout.

Revised: 8-27-2019; 8-28-2019

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill music videos webpage;

Presently 10-music video songs on the above listed webpage.
Revised the 10-music video’s height: 7-23-2018.
Replaced the “Faith Hill “Joy to the World” Forum Discussions” URL link to correct Database issues from an automated Database correction. 8-26-2019

1. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “Breathe” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “Breathe” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “Breathe” Forum Discussions webpage;

2. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “It Matters to Me” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “It Matters to Me” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “It Matters to Me” Forum Discussions webpage;

3. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “Joy to the World” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “Joy to the World” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “Joy to the World” Forum Discussions webpage;
Replaced the “Faith Hill “Joy to the World” Forum Discussions” URL link to correct Database issues from an automated Database correction. 8-26-2019

4. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “Mississippi Girl” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “Mississippi Girl” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “Mississippi Girl” Forum Discussions webpage;

5. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “O Come All Ye Faithful” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “O Come All Ye Faithful” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “O Come All Ye Faithful” Forum Discussions webpage;

6. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “Piece Of My Heart” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “Piece Of My Heart” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “Piece Of My Heart” Forum Discussions webpage;

7. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “Take Me As I Am” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “Take Me As I Am” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “Take Me As I Am” Forum Discussions webpage;

8. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “The Way You Love Me” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “The Way You Love Me” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “The Way You Love Me” Forum Discussions webpage;

9. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “There You’ll Be” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “There You’ll Be” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “There You’ll Be” Forum Discussions webpage;

10. Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill singing “This Kiss” song webpage.
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Faith Hill “This Kiss” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Faith Hill “This Kiss” Forum Discussions webpage.

The above listed 10-song’s lyrics are transcribed. (10)
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions completed on: 5-10-2018; 5-12-2018; 5-17-2018; 5-20-2018; 5-31-2018; 6-8-2018; 6-9-2018; 6-17-2018; 6-18-2018; 6-20-2018; 6-21-2018; 6-23-2018; 6-25-2018; 6-30-2018; 7-1-2018. (10)

The above listed 10-songs have Quick Editor’s Comments on each song’s music video webpage. (10)
The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments completed on: 5-10-2018 thru 5-14-2018; 5-17-2018; 5-20-2018; 5-25-2018; 5-27-2018; 5-31-2018; 6-1-2018; 6-2-2018; 6-8-2018; 6-9-2018; 6-16-2018; 6-18-2018 thru 6-23-2018; 6-25-2018; 6-28-2018; 6-30-2018; 7-1-2018. (10)

Revised: 12-25-2015; 1-19-2016; 1-23-2015; 1-28-2016; 5-3-2016 through 5-5-2016; 5-24-2016 through 6-7-2016; 8-29-2016 through 9-2-2016; 9-6-2016; 9-7-2016; 9-21-2016; 10-4-2016; 10-5-2016; 10-15-2016; 10-16-2016; 10-27-2016; 6-6-2017 through 6-14-2017; 6-21-2017; 6-26-2017; 6-28-2017; 7-1-2017; 7-2-2017; 5-10-2018 thru 5-14-2018; 5-17-2018; 5-20-2018; 5-25-2018; 5-27-2018; 5-31-2018; 6-1-2018 thru 6-3-2018; 6-5-2018; 6-8-2018; 6-9-2018; 6-11-2018; 6-14-2018 thru 6-23-2018; 6-25-2018 thru 7-1-2018; 7-23-2018; 8-26-2019.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Index of Music Videos webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Numbered Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the A, B Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the C, D Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the E, F Index webpage;
Replaced the “Faith Hill “Joy to the World” Forum Discussions” URL link to correct Database issues from an automated Database correction. 8-26-2019

Added, revised, updated the G, H Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the I, J Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the K, L Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the M, N Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the O, P Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Q, R Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the S Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the T Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the U, V Index webpage;

Added, revised, updated the W, X, Y, Z Index webpage.

*Revised: 12-23-2017; 12-25-2017 thru 12-28-2017; 1-1-2018; 1-7-2018; 1-10-2018; 1-12-2018 thru 1-17-2018; 1-19-2018; 1-24-2018; 1-27-2018; 1-29-2018 thru 1-31-2018; 2-1-2018; 2-3-2018 thru 2-6-2018; 2-9-2018; 2-10-2018; 2-12-2018; 2-16-2018; 2-18-2018; 4-8-2018; 4-18-2018; 5-9-2018; 6-12-2018; 6-15-2018; 6-18-2018; 6-23-2018; 6-26-2018; 7-1-2018; 7-5-2018; 7-13-2018; 7-15-2018; 7-18-2018; 7-22-2018; 7-23-2018; 7-27-2017; 8-6-2018; 8-13-2018; 8-18-2018; 8-20-2018; 8-22-2018; 8-26-2018; 9-6-2018; 9-10-2018; 9-12-2018; 9-14-2018; 9-15-2018; 9-19-2018; 9-22-2018; 9-24-2018; 9-28-2018; 10-7-2018; 10-18-2018; 10-22-2018; 11-16-2018; 11-24-2018; 12-15-2018; 12-16-2018; 12-20-2018; 12-21-2018; 8-26-2019.

* * * * *

Installed the “Jetpack Contact Form” plugin software into WordPress

Remove the previously installed “Contact Form” plugin which was not working.
Revised: 8-18-2018

* * * * * website offline 8-17-2019 and a few hours of 8-18-2019

There were database issues which appear to be solved.
So, now a few webpages must be re-installed from my saved webpage files, also some links, etc., must be updated and corrected.
Those were the issues with the website’s software database.

However, the automated Database correction procedures required I install an 8-11-2019 database.
Registered Users, Subscribers, and/or Forum Participants whom subscribed from 8-11-2019 to 8-16-2019 may have to establish a new login account again.
Revised: 8-18-2019

* * * * *

Installed a “Website Page Views Highlights” widget and “XT Visitor Counter” widget in the left side of each webpage in the blogroll.

Revised: 8-18-2019

* * * * *

Repaired main top menu’s tabs for Rick Astley “Together Forever” music webpage and Kim Wilde “Born to Be Wild” music webpage.

Revised: 7-17-2019.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Peggy March singing “I Will Follow Him” song webpage.

Reviewed HMTL programming codes repaired main top menu’s tab for Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” music webpage. 7-11-2019.
Revised: 11-21-2018 thru 11-24-2018; 7-11-2019.

Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Peggy March “I Will Follow Him” Forum Discussions webpage;

“I Will Follow Him” song’s lyrics are transcribed (1).
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions for “I Will Follow Him” completed on: 11-21-2018; 11-22-2018. (1)

The above listed songs will have Quick Editor’s Comments on each song’s music video webpage. (1)
The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments “I Will Follow Him” completed on: 11-21-2018 thru 11-24-2018. (1)

Revised: 11-21-2018 thru 11-24-2018; 7-11-2019.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Stevie Nicks singing “Talk To Me” song webpage.

Added previous music video from a new source location.
Added, revised the “See more Stevie Nicks music videos” channel URL link.
Revised: 6-17-2019; 6-18-2019; 6-20-2019; 7-6-2019
*”Talk To Me” song’s lyrics are transcribed (1).

Published on: May 14, 2017 @ 20:07
Revised: 5-15-2017; 5-30-2017; 8-2-2017; 8-3-2017; 10-12-2017; 5-7-2018; 6-17-2019; 6-18-2019; 6-20-2019; 7-6-2019

* * * * *

Added new WinRAR advertisement banners throughout this website.

Added an updated, new WinRAR product descriptions webpage.
Published on: Feb 2, 2019 @ 20:36
Revised: 5-31-2019

* * * * *

Added the new Website & Forum Registration widget and webpage, etc.;

The new “Website & Forum Login & Registration” widget is at the top right widget column and at the second to left of the “Contact David” tab at the bottom of the top green menu tabs.
Users are registering as subscribers and possibly as forum participants on website.
Revised: 1-5-2019

General Forum posting rules:
1. Do not criticize the singers, performers, band members, dancers, etc.
2. Do not criticize the’s Editor and Webmaster Owner.
3. Do not ask personal questions to the’s Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner.

There are 441 registered Users, Subscribers and Forum Participants Users on website. 2-20-2019.
There are 343 registered Users, Subscribers on website. 2-3-2019.
There are 284 registered Users, Subscribers on website. 1-29-2019.
There are 269 registered Users, Subscribers on website. 1-27-2019.
There are 215 registered Users, Subscribers on website. 1-20-2019.
However only the Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner has published on’s forum at this time.

There are 237 registered Users, Subscribers on website. 2-20-2019.

There are 2 registered Users, Subscribers on website. 2-20-2019.

There is 1 registered User, Subscriber on website. 2-20-2019.

Revised: 1-5-2019; 1-6-2019; 1-20-2019; 1-27-2019; 1-29-2019; 2-3-2019; 2-20-2019; 2-23-2019.

* * * * *

Removed the recently added “Subscribers & Newsletter Registration” widget on the top, right side blogroll on website. 2-20-2019.

Revised: 2-20-2019; 2-22-2019.

* * * * *

Reached 200,000 visitors with my free “ADS-WpSiteCount counter” widget software on 2-20-2019. Page views is double the visitor’s count

Some of my other visitor’s counters list more visitor’s each day because the visitor’s count depends on the methods used to program the visitor’s counter’s software

Occasion: 2-20-2019.

* * * * *

Added “360 Total Security” anti-virus software advertisement on website.

I use “360 Total Security” and additional cleaning, anti-virus, anti-malware, defrag, driver updates, etc., software.
Remember that you need anti-virus, anti-malware and cleaning software for daily cleaning of “Operating System” and if an emergency setup in “Safe Mode” is required.
Some anti-virus, anti-malware and cleaning software do not run in “Safe Mode”.
Revised: 2-14-2019

* * * * *

A new “WinRAR” Decompression, Compression and Archival software for sale advertisement in the “Home Post” and on each webpage and in footer is added to the website.

Also added a “WinRAR product descriptions” webpage.

Removed the previous “WinRAR” Decompression, Compression and Archival software for sale advertisement in the “Home Post” and on each webpage and in the footer on the website. 1-27-2019.
Previous advertisement version stop functioning and there is presently no new replacement advertisement code available.

Revised: 1-27-2019; 1-29-2019; 2-2-2019.

* * * * *

Added the new Website & Forum Registration widget and webpage, etc.;

The new “Website & Forum Login & Registration” widget is at the top right widget column and at the second to left of the “Contact David” tab at the bottom of the top green menu tabs.
Users are registering as subscribers and possibly as forum participants on website.

General Forum posting rules:
1. Do not criticize the singers, performers, band members, dancers, etc.
2. Do not criticize the’s Editor and Webmaster Owner.
3. Do not ask personal questions to the’s Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner.

There are 343 registered Users on website. 2-3-2019.
There are 284 registered Users on website. 1-29-2019.
There are 269 registered Users on website. 1-27-2019.
There are 215 registered Users on website. 1-20-2019.
However only the Editor, Music Lover and Webmaster Owner has published on’s forum at this time.

Revised: 1-5-2018; 1-6-2018; 1-20-2019; 1-27-2019; 1-29-2019; 2-3-2019.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated The Cars “Good Times Roll” webpage;

“Good Times Roll” song’s lyrics are transcribed (1).
New updated song’s lyrics transcription for “Good Times Roll” completed on: 6-14-2018; 6-15-2018; 1-15-2019.
Added a new “Good Times Roll” music video and a new transcription of the music video’s song’s lyrics will be added when time is available. 1-15-2019.
A few changes to the transcription of the music video’s song’s lyrics. 1-15-2019.

“Good Times Roll” has new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments (1). 6-15-2018.

Revised: 6-14-2018; 6-15-2018; 1-15-2019.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey – Christmas music videos webpage;

Presently 8-music video songs on the above listed webpage.
Published on: Nov 26, 2016 @ 16:13.
Revised: 12-2-2016; 12-9-2016; 12-10-2016; 5-7-2017; 5-8-2017; 12-9-2017; 12-10-2017; 9-17-2018; 9-19-2018; 9-20-2018; 9-22-2018; 9-24-2018; 9-28-2018; 12-17-2018; 12-19-2018; 12-21-2018.

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey singing “All I Want For Christmas Is You” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Mariah Carey “All I Want For Christmas Is You” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey “All I Want For Christmas Is You” Forum Discussions webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey singing “Christmas Baby Please Come Home” song webpage;
Published on: Sep 22, 2018 @ 05:15.
Revised: 9-24-2018; 12-17-2018.
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Mariah Carey “Christmas Baby Please Come Home” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey “Christmas Baby Please Come Home” Forum Discussions webpage;
Published on: Sep 24, 2018 @ 08:04 at Editor’s Comments.
Revised: 12-17-2017.
Published on: September 24, 2018 at 11:11 am at Forum.

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey singing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing / Gloria (In Excelsis Deo)” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey singing “Joy To The World” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey singing “Oh Santa!” song webpage;
Published on: Dec 17, 2018 @ 16:41.
Revised: 12-18-2018 thru 12-21-2018; 12-23-2018.
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Mariah Carey “Oh Santa!” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey “Oh Santa!” Forum Discussions webpage;
Published on: Dec 21, 2018 @ 04:59 at Editor’s Comments
Revised: 12-23-2018
Published on: December 21, 2018 at 2:06 pm Forum

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey singing “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey singing “Silent Night” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Mariah Carey “Silent Night” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Mariah Carey “Silent Night” Forum Discussions webpage.

Some of the above listed song’s lyrics are transcribed. (7)
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions for “All I Want For Christmas Is You”; “Christmas Baby Please Come Home”; “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing / Gloria (In Excelsis Deo)”; “Joy To The World”; “Oh Santa!”; “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town” and “Silent Night” completed on: 9-18-2018; 9-22-2018; 9-27-2018; 9-28-2018; 12-17-2018 thru 12-20-2018. (7)

The above listed songs will have Quick Editor’s Comments on each song’s music video webpage.
The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments completed on: “All I Want For Christmas Is You”; “Christmas Baby Please Come Home”; “Oh Santa!” and “Silent Night” completed on: 9-18-2018; 9-19-2018; 9-20-2018; 9-22-2018; 9-26-2018 thru 9-28-2018; 12-17-2018 thru 12-21-2018; 12-23-2018. (4)

Revised: 11-26-2016; 12-2-2016; 12-3-2016; 12-6-2016; 12-9-2016; 12-10-2016; 5-7-2017; 5-8-2017; 12-9-2017 thru 12-13-2017; 12-15-2017 thru 12-17-2017; 9-17-2018 thru 9-22-2018; 9-24-2018; 9-26-2018 thru 9-28-2018; 12-17-2018 thru 12-21-2018; 12-23-2018.

* * * * *

Installed the “Classic Editor” plugin software into WordPress.

Basically, the same editor that I been using for a while.
Revised: 12-13-2018

* * * * *

WordPress wide-coverage updates installed with new “Visual and Code Editor” software

Removed “new” “Visual and Code Editor” software which was an old version with many problems.
Revised: 12-12-2018; 12-13-2018

* * * * *

Re-installed this WordPress “” website from saved website copies

Revised: 12-12-2018

* * * * *

Removed “Visitors Map” plugin because the software is not supported in new WordPress updates.

I can now easily reach this “” website with Internet Explorer 11.0. Old WordPress plugins can cause webpage loading problems sometimes.
Removed: 12-4-2018
Revised: 12-4-2018

* * * * *

Added new “CD Universe” music for sale advertisements in “Home Post”, each webpage and in footer.

Replaces previous advertisement versions.
Revised: 12-4-2018

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the “Welcome World-Wide Music Listeners and Lovers!” Home Post webpage;

“Internet Explorer 11.0” was not opening the “Home Post” webpage. So, I removed an old advertisement which may have been outdated. The problem re-appears intermittently. However, the “Home Post” webpage was and is still loading alright with “Opera” and “Mozilla Firefox” browsers with and without the old advertisement.

I’m back to using Internet Explorer 11.0 browser and its working alright. I also have Mozilla Firefox browser however I removed the Opera browser from my PC.
Published on: Jul 22, 2014 @ 00:53
Revised: 10-5-2014; 1-3-2015; 1-8-2015; 1-12-2015; 1-14-2015; 1-18-2015; 1-20-2015; 2-5-2015; 2-7-2015; 4-29-2015; 5-3-2015; 7-7-2015; 11-4-2015; 11-5-2015; 11-12-2015; 11-16-2015; 11-17-2015; 2-24-2016; 2-25-2016; 2-29-2016; 3-1-2016; 3-3-2106; 4-15-2016; 6-2-2016; 8-1-2018; 11-29-2018; 12-4-2018.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Rick Astley singing “Together Forever” song webpage;

Revised: 11-13-2018 thru 11-17-2018.
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Rick Astley “Together Forever” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Rick Astley “Together Forever” Forum Discussions webpage;

“Together Forever” song’s lyrics are transcribed (1).
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions for “Together Forever” completed on: 11-13-2018; 11-14-2018. (1)

The above listed songs will have Quick Editor’s Comments on each song’s music video webpage. (1)
The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments “Together Forever” completed on: 11-13-2018 thru 11-17-2018. (1)

Revised: 11-13-2018 thru 11-17-2018.

* * * * *

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan music videos webpage;

Presently 10-music video songs on the above listed webpage.

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “All Night With Me” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “All Night With Me” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan “All Night With Me” Forum Discussions webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “Dim All The Lights” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “Forever Young” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “Satisfaction” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Satisfaction” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan “Satisfaction” Forum Discussions webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “Self Control” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “Self Control” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan “Self Control” Forum Discussions webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “Solitaire” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “The Lucky One” song webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Editor’s Comments – Laura Branigan “The Lucky One” webpage;
Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan “The Lucky One” Forum Discussions webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “The Power of Love” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “Ti Amo” song webpage;

Added, revised, updated the Laura Branigan singing “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” song webpage.

The above listed song’s lyrics are transcribed. (10)
The new updated song’s lyrics transcriptions for “Self Control” and “All Night With Me” completed on: 10-5-2018 thru 10-7-2018; 10-9-2018; 10-10-2018. (2)

The above listed songs will have Quick Editor’s Comments on each song’s music video webpage. (2)
The new, updated Quick Editor’s Comments “Self Control” and “All Night With Me” completed on: 10-5-2018 thru 10-7-2018; 10-9-2018; 10-10-2018. (2)

Revised: 1-31-2015; 3-11-2015; 4-30-2015; 5-1-2015; 5-4-2015; 5-10-2015; 5-13-2015; 5-14-2015; 5-20-2015 through 5-24-2015; 5-29-2015; 4-27-2016 through 5-20-2016; 5-24-2016 through 6-5-2016; 8-19-2016; 8-20-2016; 9-7-2016 through 9-10-2016; 9-21-2016; 9-24-2016; 9-25-2016; 10-11-2016; 4-29-2017; 5-5-2017 through 5-28-2017; 7-31-2017; 8-2-2017; 8-4-2017 thru 8-7-2017; 10-1-2018 thru 10-3-2018; 10-5-2018 thru 10-7-2018; 10-9-2018; 10-10-2018; 10-11-2018.

* * * * *

**********David, Webmaster & this Website! has an index of topics with URL links**********

1. “David, Webmaster & this Website!” webpage

David, Webmaster & this Website!

2. “What’s new on” P. 1 of 2 webpage is this page


3. “What’s new on” P. 2 of 2 webpage

What’s new on” P. 2 of 2

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